daddie wrestler choking
opponent squeezing neck headlock![]() wrestler painfull hold excruciating naked daddy bears ![]() wrestling pro guys shows naked mens wrestling daddies ![]() wrestling man carrying daddy bear opponent ![]() wrestling champion beefy man stripping naked ![]() wrestling cage match bald men fighting nude ![]() very hairy arms back chest manly wrestling bears ![]() pro wrestling tag team partners wrestlers photo gallery ![]() old school wrestling training vintage photos gallery pics ![]() MMA sweaty boxing man stripping nude heading to showers ![]()
Ace Crusher
Johnny Ace (Sit-Out � Facelock Bulldog)
Acid Drop (Dudley Dog)
Spike Dudley (Ascending Springboard Corner 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)
Matt Sydal (Goryspecial into Neckbreaker)
Akio (James Yun) (Off the Top Turnbuckle Corkscrew Moonsault)
Alabama Slam
Hardcore Holly (High-Angle off the shoulder Spinebuster Slam)
Amazing Leg Drop
N8 Mattson (Off The Top Rope Guillotine Leg Drop)
Scotty Riggs (Fisherman Suplex)
Amish Bomb
Roadkill (Off the Top Turnbuckle Splash)
The Amityville Horror
Chris Chetti (Fireman's Carry into a Michinoku Driver)
Anaconda Vice
CM Punk (Modifed Shoulder Hold Submission)
Angel's Wings
Christopher Daniels (Spinning Sit-Out Double Underhook Facebuster)
Angle Slam (Olympic Slam)
Kurt Angle (Spinning Elevated Argentine Backbreaker Slam)
Arabian Facebuster
Sabu (Leg Drop with Chair)
Nunzio (Springboard Armbreaker)
Asai DDT
Ultimo Dragon (3/4 Facelock into Backflip Reverse DDT)
Asai Moonsault
Ultimo Dragon (Off the Second Rope Springboard Moonsault)
Assault Driver
"Sick" Nick Mondo (Sit-Out Wrist-Clutch Electric Chair Drop Front
Atomic Leg Drop
Hulk Hogan (Running Leg Drop)
Atom Smasher
Adam Bomb (Powerbomb with Kneeling Pin)
Au Revoir
La Resistance (Suplex Combo into Spinning Neckbreaker)
Awesome Bomb
Mike Awesome (Running one-shoulder Crucifix Powerbomb)
Awesome Splash
Mike Awesome (Off the Top Turnbuckle Frog Splash)
Back to the Future
Frankie Kazarian (Wristclutch Electric Chair Bomb bridged into a
Badd Splash (Wildman Splash)
Johnny B. Badd (Running Corner Body Splash)
Badd Day
Johnny B. Badd (Super Hurracanrana)
Ball Breaker
Balls Mahoney (Irish Whip into Sit-Out Spinebuster)
Ball and Gag
Basham Brothers (Clothesline and Russian Leg Sweep Combination)
Kid Kash (Elevated Cradle Neckbreaker)
Banzai Drop
Yokozuna (Off the Second Turnbuckle Sitting Splash)
Danny Doring (Shoulder Jawbreaker)
Barber's Chair
Brutus Beefcake (Sleeper Hold)
Batista Bomb (Demon Bomb)
Batista (Sit-Out Powerbomb)
Benjamin Frostkick
Shelton Benjamin (Super Sidekick)
Bear Hug
"Superstar" Billy Graham
BK Bomb
Billy Kidman (Sitout Spinebuster Slam)
BME (Best Moonsault Ever)
Christopher Daniels (Double Springboard Moonsault)
Big Dick Driver
Big Dick Dudley (Argentine Neckbreaker)
Bionic Elbow
"The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes (Elbow Smash to Head)
Bitch Clamp
Jazz (Sky Lift Double Chickenwing)
Black Hole Slam
Abyss (Spinning Side Slam)
Black Out
Rodney Mack (Cobra Clutch Sleeper Hold)
Lance Hoyt (Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb)
Orlando Jordan (Reverse STO)
Blonde Bombshell
Chris Candido (Off the Top Turnbuckle Powerbomb)
Bombs Away Knee Drop
Ray "The Crippler" Stevens (off the top turnbuckle or top rope Knee
Bomb Scare Knee Drop
Doug Williams (Off the Top Turnbuckle Knee Drop);
La Resistance (Double Spinebuster)
Boogey Crusher
The Boogeyman (Pumphandle Slam)
Book End
Booker T (Modified Uranage) (Modified Throat Slam Suplex)
Boomerang Clothesline
Outback Jack (Clothesline into Spinning Clothesline)
Boss Man Slam
Big Boss Man (Spinning Sidewalk Slam)
Chris Jericho (Inverted Full-Nelson Russian Legsweep)
Brain Damage
Danny Basham (Double Choke Sit-Out Powerbomb)
Break Down
Chris Jericho (Butterfly Suplex followed by Alabama Powerbomb)
Brock Lock
Brock Lesnar (Stretch Muffler Crab)
Bubba Bomb
Bubba Ray Dudley (Sit-Down Full Nelson Drop)
Bubble Bobble Buster
Player Uno (Inverted Brainbuster)
Buff Blockbuster
Buff Bagwell (Top Rope Somersault Neckbreaker)
Burning Hammer
Kenta Kobashi, Dan Maff (Inverted Fireman's Carry Brainbuster)
Busaiku Knee Kick
KENTA (running knee smash)
Buzzsaw Kick
Tajiri (Roundhouse Kick to the head of a seated opponent)
Paul Burchill (Standing Moonsault Uranage)
Cactus Clothesline
Cactus Jack (clothesline to the outside)
Camel Clutch
Iron Sheik, Sgt. Slaughter, Muhammad Hassan, Shawn Daivari
Canadian Destroyer
Petey Williams (Front Flip Piledriver)
Canadian Maple Leaf (Straight Shooter)
Lance Storm (Rolling Single Leg Crab)
Chris Harris (Wind-Up Uranage)
Cattle Mutilation
"American Dragon" Bryan Danielson (Front Bridging Double Chicken
Chainsaw Kick
Tyson Tomko (Quick Big Boot/Yakuza Kick)
Chartbuster (Last Dance)
Disco Inferno (Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker)
Chaos Theory
Doug Williams (Roll-through German Suplex Pin)
Chick Kick
Trish Stratus (Standing Roundhouse Kick)
The Boogeyman (Chokebomb)
Chokeslam from Hell
Kane (Chokeslam)
Chyna Bomb
Chyna (Powerbomb)
Scotty Anton (Sharpshooter)
Clawhold STO
Kenzo Suzuki (Clawhold into a Leg Sweep)
Clothesline from Compton
"Monsta" Steve Mack (Strong Running Clothesline)
Clothesline from Hell / Clothesline from Wall Street
John Bradshaw Layfield (Strong Running Clothesline)
Cobra Clutch
Sgt. Slaughter, Rene Dupree (Cobra Clutch Sleeper Hold)
Cock o' the Walk
The Red Rooster (Elevated Back-To-Back Hammerlock)
Code Red
Amazing Red (Sunset Flip Powerbomb into Pin)
Code Red
Billy Gunn & Chuck Palumbo (Reverse Electric Chair and Off the Top
Turnbuckle Bulldog combination)
Edge & Christian (Double Chair Shot to Head)
Ron Killings (Kneeling Muscle Buster)
Contra Code (Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-SELECT
Jimmy Jacobs (Running Corner Back Flip Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)
Cool Breaker
Carlito Caribbean Cool (Single-Arm Swinging Leg Cradle Neckbreaker)
Coquina Clutch
Samoa Joe (Rear Naked Choke)
(Da) Cop Killer
Homicide (Reverse Gory Special Piledriver)
Cosmic Cyclone (Calling London)
Paul London (Off the Top Turnbuckle 450 Splash)
Cradle Shock
Chris Sabin (Fireman's Carry into a Michinoku Driver)
Crash Landing
Crash Holly, EZ Money (Inverted Double Underhook Belly-to-back Mat
Crazy Bomb
Super Crazy (Straight Jacket Hold Lift into Powerbomb)
Cred-Ability (J-Kick)
Justin Credible (Thrust Kick)
Jason Cross (Shooting Star Press into Legdrop)
Cryonic Kick
Glacier (Shuffle Super Kick)
Crippler Crossface
Chris Benoit (Single-Arm Crossface)
The Cure
Sick Boy (Double Underhook Facebuster)
Curtain Call
Goldust (Inverted Facelock Suplex)
Cut-throat driver
Mark Briscoe (Inverted Fireman's Carry Brainbuster with the left arm
across the neck)
Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Dead Sea Drop (DSD)
Shark Boy (Top-rope Somersault Three-quarter Facelock Jawbreaker)
Dead Level
Kid Kash (Brainbuster)
Death is Welcome
Chris Hero (Jumping Rolling Cutter)
Death Sentence
America's Most Wanted (Bearhug Hold and Off the Top Turnbuckle Leg
Drop Combination)
Death Valley Driver
Perry Saturn, Orlando Jordan (Fireman's Carry into Brainbuster)
Deep Impact
Lance Storm (Jumping Piledriver)
Demolition Decapitation
Demolition (Cross Knee Backbreaker and Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow
Drop Combination)
Derailer (Baldo Bomb)
A-Train (Double Choke into Sit-Out Powerbomb)
Diamond Cutter
Diamond Dallas Page (3/4 Facelock Bulldog)
Diamond Dust
Masato Tanaka (Top-rope Somersault Three-quarter Facelock
Doctor Bomb
Dr. Death Steve Williams (Gutwrench Powerbomb)
Doggy Pump Handle Slam
Road Dogg (Pumphandle Drop Slam)
Dogface Bulldog
Rick Steiner (Off the Top Turnbuckle Bulldog)
Faarooq, Bobby Lashley (Standing Inverted Pancake Slam)
Doomsday Device
Road Warriors (Electric Chair Drop and Off the Top Turnbuckle
Clothesline combination)
Downward Spiral
Edge (Reverse Russian Leg Sweep)
Dragon Clutch
Low Ki (Reverse Naked Choke Hold)
Dragon Sleeper
Ultimo Dragon (Reverse Naked Choke Hold)
Dragon Suplex
Tatsumi Fujinami, Jay Lethal (Full Nelson Suplex) (Flipping Release
Full Nelson Suplex)
Dragon Whip
Shelton Benjamin (Standing Side Spin Kick)
Dream Cutter
Tommy Dreamer (Cutter)
Dreamer DDT
Tommy Dreamer (Snap DDT)
Dreamer Driver
Tommy Dreamer (Scoop Slam Piledriver)
Paul London (Dropkick Moonsault)
Droppin' the Dime
Rey Mysterio (Springboard Leg Drop)
Dudley Device
Bubba Ray Dudley & Devon Dudley (Electric Chair Drop and Off the Top
Turnbuckle Clothesline combination)
Dupree Driver
Ren� Dupree (Modified Sit-Out Brainbuster Driver)
Erik Watts (Powerbomb into Turnbuckles)
Edge O' Matic
Edge (Backward Slam)
Edge (Modified Leg-Lace Grapevine)
Edge (Impaler DDT)
Ego Trip (Whiplash)
Rob Conway (Spinning Neckbreaker from Suplex Position)
Egoist Schwein
Gene Snitsky (Pumphandle Side Slam)
El Fondo Del Abismo
Apolo (Side Slam)
Jun Akiyama, Shelton Benjamin (T-Bone Suplex)
Eye of the Hurricane (Nightmare on Helms Street)
The Hurricane (Inverted Facelock Elbow Drop)
E.Z. Driver
E.Z. Money (Reverse Tombstone Piledriver)
Brock Lesnar, Matt Morgan (Fireman's Carry Spinning Rack DDT)
John Cena (Modified Standing Fireman's Carry Slam)
Fall From Grace
Christopher Daniels (Cross-Arm Iconclasm)
Fall From Grace
Trinity (Off the Top Turnbuckle Moonsault)
Billy Gunn (Leg drop DDT)
Ernest "The Cat" Miller (Spinning Roundhouse Kick)
Final Cut
The Big Show (Inverted Facelock Elbow Drop)
Five Arm
Terry Taylor (Flying Clothesline)
Five Star Frog Splash
Rob Van Dam (High Elevation Frog Splash)
Chris Kanyon (Reverse STO)
Flux Capacitator
Frankie Kazarian (Moonsault Uranage Slam off the top turnbuckle)
Flying Elbow Drop
Shawn Michaels, Lance Cade, "Macho Man" Randy Savage
Shane Douglas (Shoulder Jawbreaker)
Scott Steiner (Frankensteiner)
Freestyle (Protoplex)
John Cena (Spin-Out Side Powerbomb)
Johnny Stamboli (Sitout Uranage) (Gorilla Press Slam)
Funky Flash Splash (Scorpio Splash)
Flash Funk (2 Cold Scorpio) (Off the Top Turnbuckle 450 Splash)
Future Shock
Chris Sabin (Double-Leg Fisherman's Buster)
Future Shock
Christian York & Joey Matthews (Double Super Powerbomb)
G-Spot Sweep
Danny Doring (Full Nelson Front Russian Leg Sweep)
Game Genie
Player Uno (Rope-Assisted Double Underhook Piledriver)
Garvin Stomp
Ronnie Garvin (Stomps all around the body)
Gas Mask
Pete Gas (Reverse Full Nelson Slam)
Skinner (Reverse DDT Neckbreaker)
Ghetto Blaster (Back Brain Kick)
Bad News Allen (Standing Enziguri)
Rhino (Spear)
Go 2 Sleep
KENTA (Fireman carry -> swing down and knee to head)
Green Bay Plunge
Ken Kennedy (Inverted Samoan Drop) or (Top-Rope Flipping Samoan
Greetings From Asbury Park
Bam Bam Bigelow (Over-the-Shoulder Belly-to-Belly Sit-Out
Gunn Slinger (Gunn Stinger)
Billy Gunn (Swinging Side Slam)
Haas of Pain
Charlie Haas (Elevated Inverted Leg-Lace Stretch)
Shannon Moore (Top Rope Corkscrew Moonsault)
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart (Running Shoulder Tackle)
Hands of Stone
Ronnie Garvin (Straight Punch)
Hang Time
Matt Morgan (Sit-Out Powerbomb)
Hanging Dragon
Low Ki (Hanging Reverse Naked Choke Hold from the Top Turnbuckle)
Hangman's Clutch
Chris Hero (Three-Quarter Chancery/STF Combination)
Hangman's Clutch II
Chris Hero (Three-Quarter Chancery/Crossface Combination)
Hart Attack
Hart Foundation (Bearhug into Running Inverted Bulldog Combo)
Hart Attack
Teddy Hart (Shooting Star Press)
Hart Attack 2.0 (Lethal Injection)
Teddy Hart (Shooting Star Elbow Drop)
Hero's Welcome
Chris Hero (Rolling Cutter)
Hero's Welcome Championship Edition
Chris Hero (Twisting Michinoku Driver II)
Hindu Press
Sonjay Dutt (Off the Top Turnbuckle Corkscrew 450 Splash)
Hip Hop Drop
Grandmaster Sexay (Top Rope Leg Drop)
Hollycaust (Falcon Arrow)
Hardcore Holly (Delay Brainbuster Suplex into Michinoku Driver)
Honor Roll
Christopher Nowinski (Rolling Double Underhook Slam)
Hot Shot
"Hot Stuff" Eddie Gilbert (Stun Gun)
Hurrislam (Hurri-Chokeslam)
Hurricane (Chokeslam)
Gangrel (Elevated DDT)
Amazing Red (Off the Top Turnbuckle Corkscrew Senton)
Inverted 3-D
Dudley Boyz, Acolytes Protection Agency (Back Suplex Neckbreaker
It Came From Japan
Alex Shelley (Straightjacket Northern Lights Bomb)
It Came From Japan II
Alex Shelley (Cross Legged Brainbuster)
Goldberg (Stalling Suplex Powerslam)
Jackknife Powerbomb
Kevin Nash (High Angle Powerbomb)
Jalape�o Popper
Julio Dinero (Modified Fireman's Carry into Neck Breaker)
JBL Bomb
John Bradshaw Layfield (Powerbomb)
Jay Briscoe (Leaping Double Underhook Piledriver)
Johnson Shuffle
Rocky Johnson, Orlando Jordan (Punching combo)
Jungle Kick (The Whack)
Chuck Palumbo (Thrust Kick)
Juvi Driver
Juventud Guerrera (Sit-out Scoop Powerslam)
Juvi Splash
Juventud Guerrera (450 Splash)
Kanyon Cutter
Chris Kanyon (3/4 Facelock Bulldog)
Ki Krusher 99
Low Ki (Fisherman Screwdriver)
Kiss Of Death
Little Guido (Inverted Double Underhook Facebuster)
Kryptonite Krunch
Nova (over the shoulder Belly to Back Piledriver)
Krush Rush
Low Ki (Slam into Turnbuckle while Grasping Mid-Suplex)
La Silla
Rey Mysterio (Springboard Seated Senton)
Lasso From El Paso
Eddie Guerrero (Modifed Elevated Inverted Leg Lock Stretch)
Last Call
Bradshaw (Overhead Fall Away Powerslam)
Last Dance
Disco Inferno (Reverse Standing Figure Four Leglock)
Last Impression
Doug Basham (Running Leg Lariat)
Last Ride
The Undertaker (Elevated Powerbomb)
Last Rites
"The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels (Inverted Facelock
Spinning Neckbreaker)
Lawler Fist Drop
Jerry Lawler (Second Rope Falling Fist)
Leap of Faith
Shane McMahon (Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop)
Lethal Injection
Jay Lethal (Cutthroat Pumphandle Sitout Powerbomb)
Lethal Injection II (Lethal Driver)
Jay Lethal (Springboard Implant DDT)
Liger Bomb
Jushin Liger (Running Sitout Powerbomb)
Lion Tamer
Chris Jericho (Elevated Boston Crab with knee placed in lower
Chris Jericho (Running Springboard Moonsault)
Lita (Diving Hurricanrana)
Lita (Slow Off the Top Turnbuckle Moonsault)
London Calling
Paul London (Off the Top Turnbuckle 450 Splash)(Shooting Star
'Lo Down
D'Lo Brown (Hyper Extending Off the Top Turnbuckle Frog Splash)
Love Handles
Dude Love (Mandible Tongue Nerve Hold)
Mac Stunner
Vince McMahon (Modified Sit-down 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker)
Magic Carpet Ride
Khosrow Daivari (Shawn Daivari) (Off the Top Turnbuckle Splash
with a Carpet)
Mandible Claw
Mankind (Mandible Tongue Nerve Hold)
Mark of Excellence/Perfection
Mark Jindrak (Back Suplex into Uranage)
Master Lock
"The Masterpiece" Chris Masters (Swinging Full Nelson)
Matthew Kevin Connection
Kevin Matthews (Running sit-out powerbomb)
Adam Bomb (Pumphandle Powerslam)
Michinoku Driver
Taka Michinoku (Double Underhook Implant DDT)
Michinoku Driver II
Taka Michinoku (Sit-out Scoop Piledriver)
Mickie James (Huracanrana)
Mick Kick
Mickie James (Spinning Back Kick to Mid-Section)
Million Dollar Dream
"The Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase (Cobra Clutch Sleeper Hold)
Modified Swinging Neckbreaker
Molly Holly (Off the Top Turnbuckle Front Flip Sit-Down Splash)
Money Maker
Kid Kash (Double Underhook Piledriver)
Money Shot
Val Venis (Off the Top Turnbuckle Splash)
Shannon Moore (Off the Top Turnbuckle Somersault Neckbreaker)
Super Crazy, Kid Kash, Kurt Angle, Matt Hardy, Vader, Bam Bam
Mosh Pit
Mosh (Off the Top Turnbuckle Sit Down Splash)
Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenza
Perry Saturn (Swinging Fisherman's Suplex)
Muscle Buster
Samoa Joe (Double Leg-Capture Brainbuster)
Move With No Name
Paul Burchill (Grounded Pumphandle Lift into Sidewalk Slam)
Nail in the Coffin
Vampiro (Scoop Sit-Out Powerslam)
Natural Disaster
The Naturals (Neckbreaker Combo)
New Jersey Jam
Balls Mahoney (Off the Top Turnbuckle Leg Drop)
New Jersey Naptime
Droz (Sit-Down Powerbomb)
No Joke
Hugh Morrus (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker)
No Laughing Matter
Hugh Morrus (Off the Top Turnbuckle Moonsault)
No Remorse
Riggs (Chicken Wing)
Nutcracker Suite
Balls Mahoney (Sit-Out Brainbuster Driver)
Torrie Wilson (Sitout facebuster)
Old School
The Undertaker (Walks on the top rope, then jumps off, hitting
opponent in the arm)
Old School Expulsion
Steve Corino (Inverted Facelock Neckbreaker)
Omega Event
Hardy Boyz (Double Off the Top Turnbuckle Leg Drop)
One and Only
Billy Gunn (Sleeper Hold into Uranage)
One Night Stand
Alex Shane (Modified Standing Fireman's Carry Slam)
Open Hart Surgery
Teddy Hart (Somersault Corkscrew Legdrop)
Osaka Street Cutter
Super Delfin (Inverted Suplex into 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker)
Outsider's Edge (Razor's Edge)
Scott Hall/Razor Ramon (Crucifix Powerbomb)
Randy Orton, Matt Striker (Leg Cradle Spinning Neckbreaker)
Panty Drop Elbow
Danny Doring (Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop)
Jamie Noble (Front Facelock Choke)
Pearl River Plunge
Ahmed Johnson (Double Underhook Sit-out Powerbomb)
Triple H, Chyna (Double Underhook Facebuster)
Penile Implant
Big Dick Dudley (Shoulder Carry into Spinning Facebuster)
People's Elbow
The Rock (Augmented Running Elbow Drop)
Pepsi Plunge
CM Punk (Off the Top Turnbuckle Double Underhook Facebuster)
Mr. Perfect (Fisherman's Suplex)
Pickin' the Dime
Rey Mysterio (Springboard Splash)
Picture Perfect Elbow
Michael Shane (Diving Elbow Drop)
Pimp Drop
The Godfather (Fireman's Carry into Brainbuster)
Pittsburgh Plunge
Shane Douglas (Fisherman's Suplex Brainbuster)
Phoenix Splash
Hayabusa (Off the Top Turnbuckle Twisting 450 Splash)
Play of the Day
"Primetime" Elix Skipper (Single-Arm Swinging Leg Cradle
Poison Ivory
Ivory (Leaping Kneeling Facebuster)
Polish Hammer
Ivan Putski, Scott Putski(Running Double Axehandle)
Porn Plex
Val Venis (Fisherman's Suplex Pin)
"Alpha Male" Monty Brown (Running Shoulder Block with Exploding
Power of the Punch
William Regal (Left-handed punch using Brass Knuckles)
Problem Solver
Simon Diamond & Johnny Swinger (Flapjack and DDT combo)
Psycho Guillotine
Psychosis (Diving Leg Drop)
Mike Quackenbush (Reverse Crucifix Powerbomb)
Mike Quackenbush (Springboard Front Flip 360 Spinning Senton)
Rat Star Press
Deranged (Standing Shooting Star Press)
Rat Trap
Steven Richards (Reclining Chin Lock)
Raven Effect (Evenflow)
Raven (Flowing DDT)
Red Star Press
Amazing Red (Standing Shooting Star Press)
Regal Cutter
William Regal (Single-Arm Trap Neckbreaker)
Regal Stretch
William Regal (Modified STF)
Reverse of Fate (Extreme Twist of Fate)
Jeff Hardy, Christy Hemme, Lita (Inverted Facelock to
Rewind Hurricanrana
Jonny Storm (Over-the-Top Turnbuckle Jumping Hurricanrana)
Rikishi Driver
Rikishi (Over-the-Shoulder Belly to Belly Sit-Out Piledriver)
Rings of Saturn
Perry Saturn, Austin Aries (Side Double-Arm Stretch)
Rising Sun
Funaki (Off the Top Turnbuckle Tornado DDT)
Randy Orton (Jumping 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)
Rolling Elbow
Masato Tanaka (Running Spinning Elbow Smash)
Rock Bottom
The Rock (Side Slam)
Rocker Dropper
Marty Jannetty, Brian Pillman (Wrist Lock Leg-Driven Bulldog
Roll of the Dice
Reno (Inverted Facelock Spinning Neckbreaker)
Royal Flush neckbreaker
A-1 (Arm Trap Shoulder Neckbreaker)
Royal Mutilation
Paul Burchill (High Fujiwara Armbar)
Rude Awakening
Rick Rude (Neckbreaker)
Rump Shaker
Rikishi (Off the Second Turnbuckle Sit Down Splash)
Running Powerslam
Davey Boy Smith, Harry Smith
Russian Sickle
Nikita Koloff (Strong Running Clothesline)
Rydeen Bomb
Satoshi Kojima (Sky Lift Powerbomb)
Sable Bomb
Sable (Powerbomb)
Saving Grace
D-Von Dudley (Lifting Reverse DDT)
Scorpion Death Drop
Sting (Reverse DDT)
Scorpion Death Lock
Sting (Leg-Lace Grapevine)
Seanton Bomb
Sean O'Haire (Off the Top Turnbuckle Somersault Senton)
Seven Year Itch
Billy Kidman (Shooting Star Press)
Sex Drive (Embalmer)
Viscera (Double Choke Sit-Out Powerbomb)
Shake, Rattle, and Roll
Honky Tonk Man (Augmented Swinging Neckbreaker)
Shamrock Anklelock
Ken Shamrock (Fujiwara armbar into Anklelock)
Shake, Rattle, and Roll
Road Dogg (B.G. James) (Augmented Series of Jabs)
Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, The Rock,
Petey Williams, Lance Storm(Leg-Lace Grapevine)
Shattered Dreams (Dust Buster)
Goldust (Rope Entangled Kick to Groin)
Alex Shelley (Swinging Reverse STO)
Shining Wizard
Keiji Muto, Gregory Helms, Antonio Inoki, Homicide, CM Punk
(Running stepup Knee Strike)
Shooting Cross Press
Jason Cross (Off the Top Turnbuckle Reverse Backflip Splash)
The Big Show (The Giant) (Choke Slam)
Sonny Siaki (Inverted Spinning Neckbreaker)
Sicilian Slice
Nunzio (Off the Top Turnbuckle Leg-Driven Bulldog Facecrusher)
Simon Diamond (Fireman's Carry into Reverse DDT)
Simon Dean (Modified Spinning Leghook Fireman's Carry Slam)
Sky Elbow
"Macho Man" Randy Savage (Off the Top Turnbuckle Elbow Drop)
Sky High
D'Lo Brown (Sky Lift Powerbomb)
Slap Jack
Stevie Ray (Lifting Double-Underhook Facebuster)
Sliced Bread No. 2
Brian Kendrick, Alex Shelley(Running Corner Back Flip 3/4
Facelock Bulldog)
MNM ( Flapjack DDT )
Snow Plow
Al Snow (Scoop Slam Side Brainbuster Driver)
Southern Neckbreaker
"Classy" Freddie Blassie (Augmented Swinging Neckbreaker)
Soylent Green
Nate Webb (Canadian Back Breaker into 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)
Spanish Fly
The S.A.T./Los Maximos (Off the Top Turnbuckle Double Moonsault
Edge, Goldberg(Running Double Leg Takedown)
Spicolli Driver
Tommy Dreamer (Death Valley Driver)
Spike Piledriver
New Age Outlaws (Partner Assisted Piledriver)
Jeff Hardy (One-Arm Boston Crab)
Spiral Tap
A.J. Styles (Front Flip 360� Spinning Senton)
SST (Severe Skull Trauma)
Axl Rotten (Inverted Brainbuster Suplex)
Stage Dive
The Headbangers (Powerbomb and Off The Top Turnbuckle Leg Drop
Steiner Flatliner
Scott Steiner (Reverse Russian Leg Sweep)
Steiner Recliner
Scott Steiner (Modified Camel Clutch)
Steiner Screwdriver (SSD)
Scott Steiner (Flacon Arrow Inverted Piledriver)
Stevie Kick
Steven Richards (Superkick)
Steven Richards (Leaping Double Underhook DDT)
John Cena (STS)
Stinger Splash
Sting (Running Standing Splash to Opponent in the Corner)
Stone Cold Stunner
Stone Cold Steve Austin (Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Jawbreaker)
Storm Kick
Lance Storm (Thrust Kick)
Trish Stratus (Springboard Bulldog)
Trish Stratus (Top Rope Leg Scissors Takedown)
Jeff Jarrett (Front Russian Leg Sweep)
Styles Clash
A.J. Styles (Inverted Double Underhook Pancake Slam)
Sudden Impact
D'Lo Brown (Modified Uranage Suplex)
Super Hero Slam
Rosey (Wind-Up Sit-Out Uranage Slam)
Super Kwang
Kwang (Spinning Heel Kick)
Superfly Splash
Jimmy Snuka (Top Rope Augmented Splash)
Supernatural Driver
The Boogeyman (Inverted Falling Slam)
Swanton Bomb
Jeff Hardy (Top Rope Delayed Flip Senton Splash)
Sweet Chin Music
Shawn Michaels (Superkick)
Sweet 'N Sour
Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade (Tandem Clothesline and Chop
Sweet Shane Music
Michael Shane (Superkick)
Sweet Shin Music
Dude Love (Strong Shin Kick into double arm DDT)
Swing Thing
Johnny Swinger (Cobra Clutch Leg Sweep)
Trytan (Fireman's Carry Spinning Rack DDT)
Takin' Care of Business
The Undertaker (Reverse Naked Choke Hold) (Dragon Sleeper)
Tazz (Half-Nelson Choke, Kati-hajime)
Tequila Sunrise
Konnan (Modified Rolling Single Leg Crab)
Texas Cloverleaf
Dean Malenko, Chad Collyer (Cloverleaf Crab)
Texas Tower Bomb
Lance Hoyt (Single leg one shoulder powerbomb)
That's Incredible
Justin Credible (Spinning Belly to Belly Piledriver)
Tiger Driver
Jamie Noble, Scott Steiner, Mitsuharu Misawa (Double Underhook
Tiger Driver '98
Excalibur (Double Underhook Piledriver)
Tiger Suplex
Ultimo Dragon (Double Chicken Wing Belly-to-Back Suplex)
Marc Mero, Rhyno (Fireman's Carry into a 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)
Toblerone Driver
Ares (Double Underhook Sit-Out Powerbomb)
Tombstone Piledriver
The Undertaker, Kane, Fit Finlay (Belly to Belly Kneeling
Tommy Dreamer (Reverse Crucifix into Cutter)
Tongan Death Grip
Meng (Haku) (Nerve Pinch to Neck)
Tornillo Mortal
Super Crazy (Corkscrew Moonsault}
Torture Rack
Lex Luger (Argentine Back Breaker Submission), Chuck Palumbo
Total Elimination
The Eliminators (Spinning Heel Kick and Leg Sweep Kick
Total Penetration
Big Dick Dudley (Double Choke Sit-Out Powerbomb)
Trailer Hitch
Jamie Noble (Inverted Leg-Lace)
Train Wreck
A-Train (Canadian Back Breaker Drop)
Trash Compactor
Duke Droese (Stalling Tilt-a-Whirl Powerslam)
Triple Bypass
Teddy Hart (Shooting Star Legdrop)
Truth Conviction
Ron Killings (Sit-Out Gordbuster)
Truth or Consequences
Ron Truth Killings (Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)
Twist of Fate
Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Lita (Front Facelock to 3/4 Facelock
Test Elbow Drop
Test (Modified Elbow Drop Off Top Rope)
Ultimate Press Slam
Ultimate Warrior (Gorilla Press Drop)
Ultimate Splash
Ultimate Warrior (Running Splash)
Unprettier (Impaler)
Christian (Reverse Double Underhook DDT)
Vader Bomb
Vader (Splash off the Second Turnbuckle)
Vader Sault
Vader (Off the Top Turnbuckle Moonsault)
Van Daminator
Rob Van Dam (Augmented Kick of Chair to Head)
Van Terminator
Rob Van Dam and Shane McMahon (Springboard Turnbuckle to
Turnbuckle Dropkick, usually to chair or trash can)
VD - Viscera Drop
Viscera (Big Splash)
Venis Flytrap
Val Venis (Half Crab Leg Grapevine)
Midnight Express (Bear Hug Hold into Top Rope Leg Drop Combo),
James & Chad Dick
Shane Helms (Reverse Gory Special Piledriver)
Vicious Bomb
Sid Vicious (Powerbomb)
Scott Vick (Over the Shoulder Back to Belly Piledriver)
Vic Grimes (Second Rope Belly-to-Belly Piledriver)
Von Erich Claw
Fritz Von Erich and other members of the Von Erich family (Iron
Walls of Jericho (Lion Tamer)
Chris Jericho (Elevated Boston Crab)
Waffle Face
Paul London (Sky Lift Double Chickenwing Face First Powerbomb)
Wam-Bam-Thank You Ma'am
Bam Bam Bigelow (Off the Top Turnbuckle Diving Headbutt)
Wam-Bam-Thank You Ma'am
Danny Doring (Leaping Double Underhook DDT)
Wave of The Future
Frankie Kazarian (Twisting Facebuster)
West Coast Pop
Rey Mysterio (Top Rope Springboard Hurricanrana)
Lash LeRoux (Fireman's Carry into a Michinoku Driver)
Mikey Whipwreck (Sit-Out 3/4 Facelock Bulldog)
Whisper In the Wind
Jeff Hardy (Off the Top Turnbuckle Twisting Somersault
White Out
Kerwin White (Chavo Guerrero) (Roll-Through into Single Leg
Boston Crab)
White Russian Leg Sweep
The Sandman (Russian Leg Sweep with a Singapore Cane)
Whoopee Cushion
Doink the Clown (Off the Top Turnbuckle Sit Down Splash)
Widow Maker (Prophecy) (Cruel Intentions)
Sean O'Haire (Reverse Fireman's Carry Slam)
Widow's Peak
Victoria (Gory Special into Sit-Out Neckbreaker)
Wild Thing (Marvelocity)
Marc Mero (Off the Top Turnbuckle Shooting Star Press)
World's Strongest Slam
Mark Henry (Falling Powerslam)
Scotty 2 Hotty (Augmented Falling Chop to Throat)
Irwin R. Schyster (Jumping Lariat)
X-Clamation Point
Brian-XL (Inverted Suplex into Minchinoku Driver) ("Michinoku
Driver Beta")
X-Pac (Leaping Sit-Down Facebuster)
X-Marks The Spot
X-Pac and Justin Credible (Double Thrust Kick)
Xavier (Cross-Arm Hangman's Neckbreaker)
Yang Time
Jimmy Yang (James Yun) (Off the Top Turnbuckle Corkscrew
Yellow Jacket Suplex
Buff Bagwell (Fisherman Suplex)
Yoshi Dropkick
Yoshihiro Akio (Holding On To Ropes Dropkick)
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