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I Know I'm Not Alone -- At Last! Warrior exitonly speaks of feeling lost and deviant in a world of gay men into anal, tells of being put down, and says that reading the Cockrub Warriors Founder's Message brought him to a spiritual awakening. With trenchant replies from Warriors Don F and RandiZup.
My Own Kind -- Part I Warrior Ricci Wong talks of the pressure to have anal, of being a top to avoid being fucked, and his joy at finally finding his own kind. Followed by a powerful and moving reply from Warrior Andrew64.
My Own Kind -- Part II Warrior Andrew64 responds to Warrior Ricci Wong's testament in a moving and eloquent reply about negative judgments, kindred spirits, and two cocks united.
Cockrubbing Before It Was "Cockrubbing." It's common for guys into frot to have their first and sometimes most intense experiences as teenagers, when boyish tussles and wrestling lead to cockrub. This post, along with a number of others, including First Frottage/Wrestling Awakening, My First Time and Learning to Be a Cockrub Warrior, talks about various teen experiences. And as you'll see, these individual stories, like NYbox43's Boyhood Brawling, provoke many memories and many replies.
First Frottage/Wrestling Awakening Another account of an adolescent encounter with wrestling and frot. Warrior Wrestljc describes "wrestling and frottage as the ultimate in male foreplay and sex -- two bodies locked against each other chest to chest cock to cock!!!! -- Love it cause this type of male to male expression is both masculine and intimate!"
On a site filled with potent true-life stories, Learning to be a Cockrub Warrior, from GentleWarrior Bradley, in its evocation of a complex, love-hate relationship between two brothers who aren't quite sure where aggression ends and sex begins, remains one of the most powerful. Brad's is a deeply felt autobiographical essay that will stay with you.
Although most guys don't have an actual frot experience till they're teens or young adults, frot fantasies and sensations often start well before puberty. The next three posts address those early feelings, which are often connected with wrestling or fighting as well. Warrior Bradwrestle's Rubbing and TV Wrestling as a Kid talks about how pro-wrestling on TV turned him on, while Warrior nybox43's Boyhood Brawling, and its replies, look at the power of actual fights, as does Warrior RobbyNHB's Wanna Get in a Fight With Me.
And, as I discuss in my introductory note to Rubbing and TV Wrestling as a Kid, there are other references to pre-teen, often fight-related, frot feelings scattered throughout these Warriors Speak posts, including in my own Hyacinthine Love.
In Personal Recollections, Warrior Sierra Mountain Man also talks about a frot relationship at the age of 6, and ongoing frot experiences in his teens. In addition, he brings up a number of themes often encountered in these posts: an essentially masculine identity, a severe disconnect from top/bottom-dom/sub gay male culture, and a nonpromiscuous persona. This is a very thoughtful post, and I've included a reply looking at the constellation of traits that make up the typical guy into frot. Ck out these Personal Recollections -- they're well worth reading.
THE COCKSTER. -- "vividly alive in the vastness of the universe / from fighting cocks to mating cocks / dicks joined from root to head / bodies and cocks meld / the contest transforms / as close as one man can get to another" -- if Warrior Don F is our club philosopher, The Cockster is our mystagogue, the warrior most likely to remind us of the cosmic power of cockrub.
On these two pages, The Cockster -- CocktoCock and The Cockster -- Phallic Mating and the Dickroot Ridge, I've combined three Personal Stories posts from The Cockster and their replies. As you'll see, this warrior is an inspiration.
A Communion of Dickheads , from Warrior HOTDICKHEAD, also explores the mystic powers of dick2dick, with a great reply from Warrior Logdog and some neat pics too.
Superheroes, Myths, and Wrestling Buddies is a super HOT, richly illustrated evocation of the power of Myth, Wrestling, and Superheroes in the lives of Men into FROT and Cock Combat.
One of our most popular message threads, this one includes posts from Warriors Andrew64 and Roman Hero, and a discussion of the mythography and sociobiology of FROT by founding Warrior Bill.
Superheroes, Myths, and Wrestling Buddies -- Part II begins with one warrior's bold boyhood memories of the power of mythic Americana in his life, and continues with an expanded essay by founding Warrior Bill on the meaning of history and sex in our warrior lives.
This second installment of Superheroes is full of hot pix both m2m and str8, loaded with hot cock2cock and crank2squirrel action.
You're gonna love this one dude -- so ck it out.
3 posts from SENSEI PATRICK, our site's super-popular beaver-bangin cock-lovin black belt from the Bible belt bi dick2dick warrior dude:
A Str8 Man's Epiphany describes Patrick's first d2d experience.
Wrestlin Round with my Budz. Warriors Jeff and Patrick remember the HOT pleasures of shirtless youth.
The Inquisitor. A true-life reality super-fight between the Sensei and an Hispanic challenger with an unexpected climax. Super-hot dudes and super-real.
In My Passion , Warrior PaulyVinyl bravely talks about his love of rubbing in vinyl. What's interesting about the post is the large number of supportive replies it evoked, reminiscent of the days when gay men, an embattled minority, were actually supportive of each other's sexual variety -- the way frot guys still are. Includes a really hot pic of Pauly and another neat Warrior logdog reply.
LONG LIVE FROTTAGE. A Warrior from our brother club Black Dicks Rub Together describes being "brainwashed" into anal sex culture and talks of his love of frot.
When the Lights Came On. Warrior feverpitch4frot tells of his early joy in frot, of being forced into the "tyranny of top-bottomism," of becoming celibate, and of finally realizing that he didn't need penetration to be whole. A true account of anal despotism and a ringing affirmation of frot and of one man's determination to be himself.
Erotic Wrestling is Best. Warrior Stockpeck's unabashed celebration of wrestling and frot and his unflinching look at anal.
Two Experiences. Rejection and Acceptance in the gay male world. Poignant and pointed testimony from Warrior mikey12a.
The Joys of Rubbing and the joys of loving intimacy among men. From Warrior JObuddyJP.
True Stories of an Anonymous Foreign Wrestler. Warrior Stockpeck, a wrestler for an Asian nation, shares his wonderful memories of wrestling and frot in his native land.
Cockfuckin Man to Man. In this superhot post, Warrior Naked Wrestler combines a number of themes common to our warriors: sex and aggression, childhood frot, masculinity, wrestlin and cockrub. Includes the naked dude's description of a real-life Cockrub Warrior arena.
And in a follow-up post, The Ultimate in Man to Man, that naked wrestlin dude talks about his own nude wrestlin experiences and makes the historical connections between us and our glorious Greek forebears.
In The Ultimate in Man to Man, Cockrub Warrior Naked Wrestler describes how wrestlers usually respect each other's genitals, despite being in a position to do them serious damage.
But in About Dickfighting, Cockrub Warrior Pete describes a very different sort of nude combat, giving us a blow-by-brutal-blow account of a strapped-dick cockfight between himself and the local brawny bully, when both were str8-identified over-sexed and angry 19 year olds. A riveting but violent true-life tale of horny hard and hung str8 guys dukin it out NHB n dick2dick.
Then Warrior Malcolm looks at the other side of teen cocktocock in his equally powerful and very HOT post CockToCock LOVE, the story of his first night with his first cock2cock lover when, like Hugo and Pete, both were just one year short of their 20th year.
First Combat. Two Naval Warriors, one a martial artist, the other a wrestler, have a private hot and heavy no-holds-barred contest that ends in a titanic cock combat. Super HOT, and real. Don't miss it.
Following First Combat, the military theme, though in a very different key, is taken up by Warrior Walt, who takes us back more than 30 years to the jungles of Vietnam in a beautifully written and moving reminiscence of warrior grace under fire called, simply, My War.
The Love of Twins. Myth, Fantasy and Reality meet in this HOT post featuring Brotherly Love and Cock2Cock.
Curt and Pavel Cockrub Warrior Curt describes his participation in a true-life gentlemen-only pay-per-view wrestlin bout in la belle France which produced a seminal moment in the history of cock2cock cultural exchange. PLUS Warrior Curt's wise and wonderful musings on the nature of dick2dick.
In Greeks and Sex, Cockrub Warrior John of The Book of Cockrub initiates an important conversation about those handsome Greek warriors and frot which I've been following up on in The Greeks section of Heroic Homosex. Find out what inspired those brilliant Greeks to create Western civilization and, with it, most of the modern world.
What Do You Think About When It's Time to Come? is the provocative question from Warrior BradWrestle2000. Brad says that honesty makes him hard. (Hey, me too dude.) Ck this one out to see just how hard Brad can get.
In The Ultimate Male Union and The Feminization of Gay Culture and Sex, Cockrub Warrior David McQuarrie has brought a new frankness and boldness to our discussions with other gay men. David is forthright and uncompromising in his advocacy of frot and dislike of anal and its attendant feminization. As is club philosopher Warrior Don F in his two replies.
And in Male Energy , Warrior Bruno talks unapologetically both about being male, strong, and proud, and about the spiritual dimension to masculinity. An important post from a thoughtful warrior, which, along with Warrior David McQuarrie's The Ultimate Male Union, helped inspire my own Masculinity and Spirit in Heroes.
Jocks and Cocks. Three luminous emails from Warrior Don F about masculinity, frot, and the bonds between men, in this case, college and pro athletes. With HOT pix too.
Two Hooded Rams is Cockrub Warrior Miguel's HOT account of the uncut dick2dick battle that left him determined to never again have anal -- with Founding Warrior Bill's analysis of why Frot is a gift to all men who have sex with men.
Furiously, Wildly, Intensely tells how Warrior Carlos and his married bud Eddie made out the night they discovered their true hard cock2cock combat feelings for each other -- this one is SUPER HOT and not to be missed.
And note that both Miguel and Carlos, as well as the next warrior to post, Rod, talk about the very serious oppression they've suffered simply because they don't like anal sex.
Pretty amazing.
Thanks. Warrior Rod describes both his first frot experience and the cultural oppression he's experienced, and thanks his fellow warriors whose posts have assured him that there's nothing wrong with him. In my reply, I talk about how far we've come in the club, and how important it is for our progress and your lives that you post.
Keep It Up, Bill!. Warrior JoePC, who posted in My First Time, encourages me to continue to be outspoken about the cultural tyranny of anal sex, and, like Warrior Rod, describes how destructive that tyranny has been in his own life. In my reply, I promise to keep up the fight. But I remind you guys that I can't do it alone, and that your future happiness, and the sort of m2m world that young guys will come out to, is up to you.