young muscle jock muscular pumped peaking biceps ![]() smooth twinky hot wrestler boy pics ![]() slender slim trimmed hairychest brother uncle son ![]() scrapper punk arrogant cocky dude ready to fight ![]() muscular jock seeks outdoor buddy buddies ![]() mma ufc mixed martial arts fighter contestants photos ![]() hot suntanned man beach dunes hiking guys ![]() handsome young college sports jock hottie cutie cute ![]() cocky arrogant punk wrestler confident wrestling boy ![]() boy next door type wrestler grappler man ![]() WRESTLING VIDEOS
1Amateur 2VID24.95 wrestling, boxing and shower scenesFeaturing some of the most amateur looking matches sent to our PO Box by members in 1999. Two hours of everyday guys wrestling each other under the most amateur conditions.120amateur2.jpgNamateur2.htmamateur2.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY2Amateur 3VID34.95 posing, workout, JOAmateur 3 contains two hours of matches sent to us from around the USA in 1999. Some segments are not as good quality as others but most on this tape look and sound good as described in the photo clips.120amateur3.jpgNamateur3.htmamateur3.jpgYNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN3Amateur CoupleVID24.95 lovers posing, heavy hard sexAmateur Couple is two lovers who recorded weeks of their sexual activity and this is a compilation of that work. If you like dick and ass this is your video!60amateurcouple.jpgNamateurcouple.htmamateurcouple.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWANY6Boxing Erotic 1VID24.95 boxing, bondage, jeans, workoutBoxing Erotic part1 was filmed at the new Vangar warehouse in Atlanta on August 2001. New digital cameras and pc video editing brings you superb video quality of Ken Powers getting punished while being tied to a boxing bag! He then turns the table on Gary and dishes out his own torture. Gloves are laced up and these two guys pound it out on each other with tests of pounding endurance. You also get naked workouts by Ken Powers & Gary as well as John naked tearing out some walls during the previous weeks construction at the warehouse.60boxingerotic1.jpgNboxingerotic1.htmboxingerotic1b.jpgNNaked BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY7Camp DaddyVID29.95 nude dads posing, bondage and spank at gay resortCamp Daddy has been digitally re-mastered and availbale on DVD or VHS. This video features guys from Camp Ramblewood during the 2000 daddy gathering. Some segments not on the previous daddy video have been included. 120dadpreviewt.jpgNcampdad.htmdadpreview.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWANN8Clash 2001 NHB MatchesVID34.95 muscle action & wrestlingClash NHB 2001 contains all the NHB action from Clash 2001 starting off with a show down in the back woods of Georgia by Turtle and his rival. Loser gets tied to a tree and beat on some more, then back to all the tournament action in our warehouse! You also get to watch behind the scenes massage of OilWresler by Gary and Turtle.120clash2001nhb.jpgNclash2001_nhb.htmclash2001_nhb.jpgNClash of the Titans SeriesVIDGWAZGWAYNN9Clash 2001 Erotic MatchesVID34.95 wrestling, rip matches & bondageClash Erotic captures all the hot action from Clash 2001 including sex fights between Harley and Turtle. We also include the jail scene where Oil Wresler is the burly daddy dungeon master dishing out punishment to the boys! The action continues with "Rip Matches" followed by a "loser is first to cum match". OilWresler then gets beat up in the woods by Turtle and is tied to spread eagle while given a back woods pounding!60clash2001erotic.jpgNclash2001_erotic.htmclash2001_erotic1.jpgNClash of the Titans SeriesVIDGWAZGWAYNN10Clash 2001 Open MatchesVID34.95, wrestling & NHBClash OPEN 2001 is a recording of all the action which did not fit in either NHB or erotic categories. Two hours of fantasy and back yard wrestling styles such as a wrestling match with boxing gloves by Gary and OilWresler and many other hot matches with some of our regulars such as NCchamp, Harley and Turtle!120clash2001open.jpgNclash2001_open.htmclash2001_open.jpgNClash of the Titans SeriesVIDGWAZGWAYNN11Clash 2000 Erotic MatchesVID24.95 wrestling & rip matchesThis erotic video contains all our rip matches, gutpunching, domination, nude wrestling and anything else that was naked and erotic at our event.100clash2000erotic.jpgNclash2000_erotic.htmclash2000_erotic.jpgNClash of the Titans SeriesVIDGWAGWAYNY12Clash 2000 NHB MatchesVID24.95 muscle action & wrestlingThis NHB video contains all our NHB cash prize matches, aggresive pro styles and hardcore freestyle matches.110clash2000nhb.jpgNclash2000_nhb.htmclash2000_nhb.jpgNClash of the Titans SeriesVIDGWAGWANY13Clash 2000 Open MatchesVID24.95 and NHB matchesThis video features all the matches other than NHB or Erotic when the ring was open for anyone to challenge anyone else for a non-point match. Most bouts are easy going and horse play but some get serious as losers challenge winners from the NHB matches.110clash2000open.jpgNclash2000_open.htmclash2000_open.jpgNClash of the Titans SeriesVIDGWAGWANY14FarmBoyRon 2VID24.95 real life farmer jerks off on farmThe second in a series of Farmer Rons videos this one finds Ron working in his garage, stripping down from the heat and talking to you every moment! He then takes you into his living room where he strokes his rod while watching a porn flick but before you can get bored he escorts you to the laundry room for some sex on a laundry bucket followed by more hot action on a saw horse!60farmboyron2.jpgNfarm2.htmfarm2.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWANY15FarmBoyRon 3VID24.95 real life farmer jerks off on farmFeaturing Farmer Ron naked on the farm naked working his rod in the tool shed, behind the barn in the wheel barrow, in the woods on a tree, on the flatbed trailer and much more! Got a fantasy about farmers? This video will satisfy you!!!60farmboyron3.jpgNfarm3.htmfarm3.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWANY16Best of GWA 2000VID24.95, wrestling, rip & uniformTWO HOURS of the hottest action from our 2000 collection of video feeds! Most every body type and style you can think of... from aggresive freestyle to rip matches!!!120bestofgwa2000.jpgNfeed118.htmfeed118.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY162Drunk RancherVID34.95 and jack offRancher Jim gets drunk during my visit to Maryland and his ranch hand ties him up on the pool table and sucks and jerks him off on video for an hour and a half!90drunkrancht.jpgNdrunkrancher.htmdrunkrancher.jpgNLeather - Bondage - UniformVIDGWAZGWAYNN18Feed 121VID24.95 Ron & wrestlingThis tape contains all the toughest and hottest footage played in our multimedia area (channel 1)120feeds121.jpgNfeed121.htmfeed121.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY19Feed 122VID34.95 oil wrestling, US workout & boxing120feeds122.jpgNfeed122.htmfeed122.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN21Feed 124VID24.95, apt. posing, shower scenesThis video contains all the toughest and hottest footage played in our multimedia area (channel 1)120feeds124.jpgNfeed124.htmfeed124.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY22Feed 125VID34.95 workout & wrestlingThis tape contains all the toughest and hottest footage played in our multimedia area (channel 1)120feeds125.jpgNfeed125.htmfeed125.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN23Feed 126VID34.95 wrestling & posingThis tape contains all the toughest and hottest footage played in our multimedia area (channel 1)120feeds126.jpgNfeed126.htmfeed126.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN24Feed 127VID24.95 wrestling, posing, shower scenesIf you are looking for a good assortment of action and body types this is the tape for you! Almost every type from hairy to smooth, heavy set to muscular its all here. Many more shower scenes than in most our tapes so sit back and get ready for some wet action.120feeds127.jpgNfeed127.htmfeed127.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY25Feed 128VID34.95 Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN26Feed 129VID24.95 at home in AtlantaThis video contains the best of our wrestling party footage taken in 2000. Over two hours of aggresive freestyle and erotic wrestling in our downtown Atlanta location. Additional matches not shown on this photo sample are included.120feeds129.jpgNfeed129.htmfeed129.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY27Feed 130VID34.95 wrestle, posing, workout, showerFeed 130 contains some our best matches in 2000 including the apartment parties, shower scenes and big Tim working out!120feeds130.jpgNfeed130.htmfeed130.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN28Feed 131VID24.95 hotel wrestling1 hour and 20 minutes of wrestling in Florida hotel room,lounging in jacuzzi, horsing around in a pro ring, posing and jack off. This tape is one of our older compilations and ranges from decent to a little choppy but always J.O. quality.80feeds131.jpgNfeed131.htmfeed131a.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY29Feed 136VID24.95 wrestle, JO, shower scenesFeed 136 is two hours of the hottest amateur video sent to us in 2000.120feeds136.jpgNfeed136.htmfeed136.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY30Feed 139VID24.95 wrestling in AtlantaFeed 139 is three of your favorite Vangar wrestlers trying to strip each other bare! One hour of these hot matches plus other feeds added to give you two hours of hot action!120feeds139.jpgNfeed139.htmfeed139a.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY31Feed 142VID34.95 workout & oil wresting sexThis tape contains all the toughest and hottest footage played in our multimedia area (channel 1)120feeds142.jpgNfeed142.htmfeed142.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN32Feed 145VID24.95 bear actionThis is a live recording from Gary and Brett's live Internet sex show on April 23rd, about 45 min long but additional feeds included to give you a full two hours of content! This was broadcast on an audio free live feed so only video is included... but HOT HOT HOT video!120feed145.jpgNfeed145.htmfeed145.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWANY33Bulldog Wrestling 4VID44.95 NHB wrestling from the UK90 minutes of intense wrestling action from Britain! 8 guys total in 4 seperate matches finishing up with the bodybuilding NHB type match!90bulldog4.jpgNbbd4.htmbbd4.jpgYBulldog Wrestling UKVIDBBDNN34Fantasy Fest 1998VID24.95 in the streets at Key West!FANTASY FEST 1998 Features video footage from Fantasy Fest in Key West, FL. Lots of tit and dicks!90fantasyfest98.jpgNffest.htmffest.jpgNCommunity EventsVIDGWAGWANY35Golden Era 1VID24.95 vintage wrestling from the 60'sGolden Era 1 brings you two hours of real wrestling when men looked like men and dressed like men! This is actual production footage which means black space is between each match where commercials would normally be placed by the TV station. You dont have any commercials but might want to fast forward past the one minute spacers :) If you liked the golden era of wrestling you will love this video!90goldenera1.jpgNgoldenera1.htmgoldenera1.jpgNVintage WrestlingVIDGWAGWANY36GWA 2VID34.95, workout, rip matches & shower scenesThis is a compilation of the most requested feeds we had in 1999 and 2000. Some are on other tapes but many have never been seen such as Brads shower scene and some final days at the old wrestling facility before we moved to the warehouse.120gwa2.jpgNgwa2.htmgwa2.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN37GWA 1VID24.95, bondage, rip matches, posing & sex, the first Vangar Video"GWA-1" contains men giving and getting whatever it takes to win! Additional footage of real men caught on tape sent by site visitors is included to give you over 2 HOURS of combative video action! This is the flagship Vangar video feature.120gwa1.jpgNgwavid.htmgwa1.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWAYNY185Heretic BackstageVID29.95 wrestling, erotic wrestling and playThis video features all the guys oiling up back stage during the Heretic Oil Wrestling Nights. 103 minutes of guys changing, oiling up, rubbing each other and posing. Shot in 2000 by an amateur camera man but the entertainment value is great. 1031mainthumb.jpgNhereticbackstage.htmhereticbackstage.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN186Best of Heretic Oil WrestlingVID29.95 and strip oil wrestling12 months of our best Heretic wrestling have been compiled into this two hour DVD or VHS digitally re-mastered with 45 non-stop oil wrestling matches from the original Heretic series. 100% oil wrestling with lots of ripped off shorts and dicks flopping out. This video was shot in a bar during oil wrestling contests so the lighting is not professional but the entertainment value is fantastic. If you want to see all the action from the back room featuring the guys oiling up, changing and rubbing each other all those segments are available on the Heretic Backstage video. 120heretict.jpgNbestofheretic.htmheretic.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN40Pro 6VID24.95 pro wrestling from GeorgiaThis tape contains matches from our June shows in Georgia. SHOOT wrestling, vicious brawls and other action from shows around the world included to give you two hours of rough action!120pro6.jpgNgwavid11.htmzpro6pss.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY43Jerry Lynn 1VID24.95 pro wrestlingJerry Lynn was one of the most popular pro wrestlers in the 90's. This title includes some of his best matches from that era.106jerrylynn1t.jpgNjerrylynn1.htmjerrylynn1.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY44Jerry Lynn 2VID24.95 notch pro wrestling from the 90'sJerry Lynn was one of the most popular pro wrestlers in the 90's. This title includes some of his earliest and best matches from that era.120jerrylynn2t.jpgNjerrylynn2.htmjerrylynn2.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY46Florida WrestlingVID24.95, smooth & hairy oil wrestlingFighting in a sand pit from the great sunshine state! Various wrestling matches also included that were sent by Vangar members.47floridawrestling.jpgNgwavid20.htmz102905.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY47Pro 3VID24.95 pro wrestling from GeorgiaThis tape contains matches from our January shows in Georgia. REAL untrained wrestlers trying to wrestle in the ring. This ends up being some of the best REAL smacks and hits to the canvas you will ever see from the pro world. Extra footage from Shoot Wrestling in Japan is included to give you 2 hours of GREAT action with guys beating the crap outta each other!120pro3.jpgNgwavid3.htmzpro3pss.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY48Pro 4VID24.95 pro wrestling from GeorgiaThis tape contains matches from our February shows in Temple. Featuring REAL SHOOT wrestling like you have never seen before, tons of guys in vicious brawls to see who is the best from the back woods of Georgia! GREAT brawling action!120pro4.jpgNgwavid4.htmzpro4pss.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY49Pro 5VID24.95 pro wrestling from AlabamaThis tape contains matches from our February shows in Alabama. Featuring Hollywood Blond, and Brian "The Brain" Logan just to name a few! Some of the wildest action from the backwoods of Alabama! This tape also includes shoot wrestling from Japan.120pro5.jpgNgwavid5.htmzpro5ps1.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY187Tennessee Wrestling 7VID24.95 hours including cage matches and blood!Tennessee 7 features two weeks of matches shot in Bristol TN and many are very bloody! If you enjoyed past videos from Tennessee you will love this one as camera walks around ringside on some matches to get up and close on the action. Photos are included on the DVD as a bonus. 120tn7t.jpgNtennessee7.htmtn7.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY53Best of GWA 98VID24.95 wrestling, bondage, sex, proThis is a 2 hour compilation of the BEST matches and video clips we received and produced in1998-99. Featuring pro fights, rough oil wrestling, hard posing and a mixture of other clips that received praise from our customers!120bestofgwa1998.jpgNgwavid98.htmz1218900.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY54MassageVID34.95 Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWASGWANN55Atlanta KnightsVID34.95 police dramaWhat happens to the Atlanta motorcycle cop who crosses the wrong syndicate boss? Matt Stevens is the kick-boxing hero of the Atlanta Police force who finds himself captured by syndicate crooks who humiliate him in bondage97atlantaknights.jpgNstevens.htmstevens.jpgNLeather - Bondage - UniformVIDGWAGWANN56Turtle 1VID24.95 submission wrestlingTurtle 1 was shot at a gym in northern Georgia when Turtle and some of his workout buddies were practicing NHB. This video has lots of hard core NHB choke holds, moves and counter moves. If you like real submission wrestling with lots of sweat you should enjoy this tape very much!60turtle1.jpgNturtle1.htmturtle1.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWAYNY57Turtle 2VID24.95 submission wrestlingThis two hour video is the second part of Turtles video shoot during his training session in Northern Georgia. The final part of this video contains some matches from Australia pro wrestling shows.120turtle2.jpgNturtle2.htmturtle2.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWAYNY58UK Heavyweight 1VID24.95 wrestling from the 70's & 80'sThis is our first in a series of British wrestling tapes featuring wrestling from the UK when men were men and the wrestling was real.120ukheavyweight1.jpgNukheavywt1.htmukheavywt1.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY59UK Hot Dude 1VID34.95 stud strips and jerks off in various scenesUKhotdude video 1 features our buddy from England posing for you, undressing, flexing, wearing leather, stripping and erotic sex with his partner! 30 minutes of streamy action!30ukhotdude1.jpgNukhotdude1.htmukhotdude1.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWAYNN60UK Middleweights 1VID24.95 wrestling from the 70's & 80'sUK Middleweights 1 is British pro wrestling. Lots of real guys in trunks... no costumes on this tape! 1 hour and 45 minutes.105ukmiddleweights1.jpgNukmiddlewt1.htmukmiddlewt1.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY213Miamilucha 234.95 oil cockfighting/wrestling by Miamilucha and friends!One hour of hot wrestling, cockfights and oil wrestling by Miamilucha with three of his buddies. 55miamilucha2t.jpgNmiamilucha2.htmmiamilucha2.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDMIAZMIAYNN61Uniform Fetish 1VID34.95 uniformsUniform Fetish part 1 is 45 non-stop erotic minutes of John, Ken Powers and Gary! It begins with John in his football gear posing on the turf. You then follow John as he strips and gets into the Jacuzzi for muscle relief with Ken Powers and Gary. Lots of wrestling and nudity in the Hottub!!!48uniformfetish1.jpgNuniformfetish1.htmuniformfetish1a.jpgNGear FetishVIDGWAZGWAYNN62Warehouse Eroto 1VID24.95, nude workout, shower, hairy muscle JOWarehouse Eroto 1 contains lots of leather and nudity in the Vangar gym! This 55 minute intense tape contains erotic workouts by Ken Powers, Gary and Steve. Nude bench press, curls, lats and incline workouts end with a hot shower scene by Ken Powers.55warehouseroto1.jpgNeroto1.htmeroto1.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY64Boxing Erotic 4VID34.95 boxing, bondageErotic Boxing 4 is TWO FULL HOURS including the most anticipated scene from Vangar in 2002 of OleBlu the real life professional bull rider who let us video tape his boxing workout. Also included on this video is Gary and Rick's naked boxing workout and the boxing bondage scene with Gary as well as John naked on the bag from Atlanta. Great digital quality!120boxingerotic4.jpgNboxingerotic4.htmboxingerotic4.jpgNNaked BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNN65Warehouse Eroto 2VID24.95 beef oil wrestling, JOGary, Steve, John and Gene strip, shower and take to the mats and provide you over an hour of the most intense oil wrestling and shower scenes caught on video by Vangar to date!!! You then get to watch them relaxing in the new hot tub and you can be sure they relaxed EVERY muscle.60warehouseroto2.jpgNeroto2.htmeroto2a.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY66Warehouse Eroto 3VID24.95, wrestling & naked posingWarehouse Eroto 3 was shot at the new Vangar warehouse in Atlanta. Mark (from Uniform Football eroto 1) is back again after great demand from his fans to see him in another video and you will see him alot without anything on in this video!!! He is teamed up with Sarge (Army bear) and John (construction guy from warehouse eroto 1) and a debut by Steve (North Carolina sailor). Lots of naked workouts, boxing and tons of shower scenes!60warehouseroto3.jpgNeroto3.htmeroto3a.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY67Ranch Eroto 1VID24.95 dad gets tied up in barn and jerked offf you have a fantasy or fetish about burly beefy men getting tied up in a barn and taught who is boss then Ranch Eroto 1 is a must have in your video collection! This video features our Maryland bear (also seen in "The Massage" and "Clash NHB 2001" getting worked over by two guys in a barn when he participated in a fetish and got more than he bargained for such as a WHIP & CHAIN! Three guys work him into a sexual frenzy while he is tied to the rafters and the filming continues right into the showers! You also get a bonus segment sent to us by Mike in CA. 1 hour of intense action and eroto scenes!60rancheroto1.jpgNranch1.htmranch1.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAZGWAYNY68Vintage 1VID24.95 vintage wrestling from the 60's & 70'sTake a trip back in time when the men were not ashamed to have a hairy chest or a bald spot and the wrestling was not bad either!!! Two hours of vintage action included with this tape in black & white.120vintage1.jpgNvintage1.htmvintage1.jpgNVintage WrestlingVIDGWAGWANY69Brazil WrestlingVID24.95 vintage US wrestling but in Portuguese!"Brazil Wrestling" is TWO HOURS of wrestling from Brazil. The first thing that came to our minds while watching this tape was "American Vintage Wrestling in Color". Lots of action by guy next door types, NOT the twinkie action seen in most USA shows today. This was shot in Brazil so not digital quality like most our stuff but decent quality and good entertainment.120brazilwrestling.jpgNbrazil.htmbrazil.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY70Warehouse Eroto 11VID34.95, boxing, shower, JOHairy Bear David takes on Stud Boy Dave at our Atlanta warehouse. They start out dry wrestling then get oiled up for hot erotic sex action on the mats... followed by a shower, then additional erotic action in the gym and boxing areas. You also get a cameo appearance by Mark (the cop in Torture 1 video) as he helps Stud Dave release his load in the second shower scene. 80 minutes. Check out the great photo clips below80warehouseroto11.jpgNeroto11.htmeroto11.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNN71Warehouse Eroto 4VID24.95 twinks wrestle, box & sexOur 2 new young wrestling stars give you a full hour of oil wrestling, harness action and steamy shower scenes! Near the end of the tape two beefy bears join in the action so you get action on top of action! Over 1 hour of digital sound and color video. WOOOF!!!60warehouseroto4.jpgNeroto4.htmeroto4.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY72Warehouse Eroto 5VID24.95, boxing, bondage & sexGary and Big John strap on the gloves for some eroto boxing action, it is hard to tell who is the winner since both are on their knees quite a bit... if you like Gary or Big John from our other videos you will really enjoy this video because it includes some very hot action with Gary and John in a tree climbing sling hanging from the squat rack! Gary works John over with the gloves while he is tied up and then John gets his own form of eroto revenge while Gary is strapped up. Steve also joins in the action when the trio works out naked. Total nudity and great sensuous action!60warehouseroto5.jpgNeroto5.htmeroto5.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY73Warehouse Eroto 6VID24.95 & bears in hot tub and bondageOur new young stars return for more hot steamy action in our hot tub and shower! Steve and Big John also return in this video to provide some of the most sensuous bear sling action caught on video. Digital quality.60warehouseroto6.jpgNeroto6.htmeroto6.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY74Warehouse Eroto 7VID34.95, wrestling, posing & JOKen Powers was issued a challenge by our newest warehouse champ Ricky and this video brings you all the erotic wrestling action with Ken climaxing on the mats! You also get to see Ken and Ricky arm wrestling, working out and showering! The day and night action was caught on digital camera and this video is a result of the intense action from that day!60warehouseroto7.jpgNeroto7.htmware7.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNN75Bulldog Wrestling 1VID44.95 stud submission wrestlingBout One: Brawler Boy Vs Mike Martin, brawn versus stamina in this tough submission match-up Bout Two: Ringkid Vs Flying Scott, two cocky wrestlers face each other in this England versus Scotland Pro bout. Bout Three: Max Mikey Vs Mike Martin, two lean wrestlers in a hard-fought submission fight.90bulldog1.jpgNbbd1.htmbbd1.jpgYBulldog Wrestling UKVIDBBDNN76Feed 144VID34.95 bear wrestlingFeed 144 brings you the last of the action filmed at our home location before moving to the warehouse facility in Atlanta. You get to see Larry and Gary take on Big "hairy bear" Johnson, as well as other hot matches! Additional footage from our live feeds is included with this video!120feeds144.jpgNfeed144.htmfeed144.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN77Uniform Erotic 2VID34.95 Army muscle posing, jock strap, nude, JOUniform 2 stars Ken Powers in his Army wear and Ricky as the young recruit! These guys provide you with a hot uniform worship session not often seen by REAL men next door types. You also get the latest underground club mix on this tape mixed live by underground sex club DJ Magna!60uniformerotic2.jpgNunifor2.htm1uniform2.jpgNGear FetishVIDGWAZGWAYNN78Dick Nasty 1VID24.95 hard-care with a Dick Nasty interviewGo behind the scenes with DickNasty during a photo shoot! Dick then camps it up for the camera and gets hard for his fans!!! You then are taken back to his house where he screws Tina as only Dick knows how to do!!! WOOOF!60dicknasty1.jpgNnasty1.htmnasty1.jpgNDick Nasty Straight SeriesVIDGWASGWAGWANY79Dick Nasty 2VID24.95 hard-coreDickNasty takes you in to his bedroom yet again while he tests a new model seeking a position in his next video.60dicknasty2.jpgNnasty2.htmnasty2.jpgNDick Nasty Straight SeriesVIDGWASGWAGWANY80Boxing Erotic 2VID24.95 boxing, bondage, uniform, workoutBoxing Erotic 2 features 210 pound Army private working out on the bag and the weights. Then a hot match between Brad and Steven who happened to be visiting from Amsterdam and what a beating Steven received from big 260 pound Brad! Eric happens to stop by at the wrong time... Brad might have outmatched Steven but Steve gets his revenge working over Eric's gut! Gary and Steven have a gut punching/chest pounding match and Gary ends up on the floor and gets his pec worked over red! Gary then works out on the heavy bag naked followed by a shower and then some nude posing in the hot tub. Techboxer (promoter of Battle of the Boxers) works out with his 250 pound buddy and shows off his finely tuned ebony body!90boxingerotic2.jpgNboxingerotic2.htmboxingerotic2.jpgNNaked BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY81Bare BearbackVID34.95 bears box, wrestle, bondage, fuckOur bareback couple starts off swaping chest punches while tied to the boxing bag then move on to oil wrestling and then a shower before bareback sex on the bench press! One hour in length with digital quality and sound.60bareback.jpgNbarebear.htmbarebear.jpgNNaked BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNN82Bulldog Wrestling 2VID44.95 stud submission wrestlingBout One: Mike Martin Vs Ringkid, submission turned Pro rookie out to prove his skill against his more experienced opponent. Bout Two: Danny Gauge Vs Max Mikey, Volatile action in this Pro versus Submission fight ensuing in a two against one domination Bout Three: Dave King Vs Steve Ranger, fit northern lad challenges Skin Muscleboy to an all-out Pro Style confrontation.90bulldog2.jpgNbbd2.htmbbd2.jpgYBulldog Wrestling UKVIDBBDNN83Atlanta Pride 2001VID34.95 hottest guys and costumes from Atlanta 2001Atlanta Pride 2001 the video, is edited by Image Photo and is the official Pride Committee video. It has tons of hot guys from the parade as well as the party in the park. This full length video also contains hot club mixes by DJ Gary C. If you want a great video for your next party of just some cool eye candy for yourself this video is a must!120atlantapride2001.jpgNpride2001.htmpride2001.jpgNCommunity EventsVIDGWASIMGNN84GWA 3VID24.95, shower, wrestling & hairy beefA real life Army Bear gets a massage and you watch every moment from start to shower! We also added wrestling from Larrys house including Gary, Hairy Bear, Hernan, Big John and Tim. Gary gets a squash lesson from Big John but comes back hard! No audio on this video.120gwa3.jpgNgwa3.htmgwa3a.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY85Bondage 1VID34.95 bear bondage, massage, JO, showerA real life Marine and an Army Master Sgt. try to dish out pain to Big John, in the end Big John gets his revenge and ties these two tough guys up to on another and works them both over with erotic torture!60bondage1.jpgNbondage1.htmbondage1.jpgNLeather - Bondage - UniformVIDGWAZGWAZNN87Warehouse Eroto 8VID34.95 workout, wrestle, box, sex, showerDave and Jay (firefighter/bodybuilder) are invited to the Atlanta warehouse for a naked workout and are enticed into a boxing match which ends up as a wrestling match on the warehouse floor as these two try to see who is the tougher man! Dave comes out on top and the two take to the shower where Dave once again comes out on top! These two worked up some sore muscles so they were more than happy to soak in the Jacuzzi which provided even more erotic action for the camera! If you like these guys they are also available oil wrestling and a three-some in the video "Warehouse Eroto 9".60warehouseroto8.jpgNeroto8.htmeroto8.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNN88Erotic Naked Video 1VID34.95 wrestling, oil wrestling and erotic posingThis two hour video contains mud wrestling in Florida, oil wrestling in Atlanta at the Heretic Club and erotic posing at home by buddies. 120eroticvideo1t.jpgNeroticnaked1.htmeroticvideo1.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN89Erotic Naked Video 2VID34.95 Mud wrestling, oil wrestling and erotic posingMuscle worthip, erotic workouts, pumping and erotic posing at home by buddies.120eroticnaked2t.jpgNeroticnaked2.htmeroticnaked2.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN90Amateur 4VID24.95 off at homeIf you like tough rough trade type this is your tape! This East Coast amateur gives you 80 minutes of posing and hot sex from his home recording sex acts over a period of weeks. Included after the sex show is Hank Trout and Metal Jock in a bare knuckle boxing brawl match followed by some erotic oil wrestling from our live feed channel to give you two full hours of hot action. Please keep in mind this is a real amateur tape so it is not our normal digital production quality as it was recorded by amateurs in home lighting conditions, but none the less great action!80amateur4.jpgNamateur4.htmamateur4.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWANY91Bondage 2VID34.95 bear bondage, massage, JO, showerGene and Big Bill get tied up by Harley and then are left to try and escape without help. They end up on the floor and once the ropes come off the oil gets rubbed on for a very erotic massage session! Additional bondage is mixed with the massage table for some out of the ordinary bondage/massage action.60bondage2.jpgNbondage2.htmbondage2.jpgNLeather - Bondage - UniformVIDGWAZGWAYNN92Warehouse Eroto 9VID34.95 nude oil wrestling & JOWarehouse Eroto 9 is the rematch between Dave and Jay (firefighter/bodybuilder) in an oil wrestling match! Dave gets worn down and Gary steps in to try his hand at bringing down this tough bodybuilder. Gary and Dave are both dominated from the mats so Gary and Dave take on Jay but Dave ends up getting caught in the middle and loves every minute of it!60warehouseroto9.jpgNeroto9.htmeroto9.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNN93Boxing Erotic 3VID34.95, bondage, wrestling, massage, showerPat and Ken Powers start off working out and strip down to jock straps for some bag work then move on to the mats for a boxing match to see who gets tied up and gut punched. Pat ends up being the recipient of some very hot gut and pec pounding but Ken makes it up by giving him a great massage after the punching scene... all of which is caught on tape for you in this hour video with digital quality60boxingerotic3.jpgNboxingerotic3.htmboxingerotic3.jpgNNaked BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNN94Warehouse Eroto 10VID34.95 muscle bears nude wrestlingFresh out of the Army and wrestling our heavy weight champ Pat takes on Ken Powers in this hot and sensuous wrestling challenge. Our huge titans start out dry wrestling and then oil each other up and strip to jock straps then down to nothing at all. 70 minutes and digital quality. We kept the warehouse quiet while so you could hear these guys grunting and groaning with crisp audio quality.70warehouseroto10.jpgNeroto10.htmeroto10.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNN95Bondage 3VID34.95 bear bondage, massage, JO, showerGrizzly Bear is back and getting tied up by Gary in this hot erotic bondage scene! Starting off tied spread eagle on the overhead bar then spread eagle on the table and finally a standing climax! Gary then strokes his rod to a hot finish in the shower.60bondage3.jpgNbondage3.htmbondage3.jpgNLeather - Bondage - UniformVIDGWAZGWAZNN96Torture 1VID34.95 bear cop bondage with fake bloodTorture 1 features Jim, a big beefy trucker dad who smarts off to a highway patrol and gets arrested! The big surprise for him was not being arrested but being taken to the patrol officers house instead of jail where he is tied up and used as a punching bag, knife carver and pin cushion by the officer and his son the butcher! When he is weak and helpless he is tied to a table and hot wax is dripped on his chest and finally he is flipped on his stomach and fucked by the cop. He is then taken to the shower for some cleaning up and forced masturbation.60torture1.jpgNtorture1.htmtorture1.jpgNLeather - Bondage - UniformVIDGWAZGWAYNN98Amateur 5VID24.95 posing, workout & JOMack Plenty is back bringing you various erotic action from his home in PA. If you have not gotten a Mack Plenty tape yet this is the one to start your collection with since it has an hour of past scenes plus an hour of new never before seen footage working his rod in the hallway, living room and climax scenes while working out! Very rough Harley type with lots of verbal talking to the camera!120amateur5.jpgNamateur5.htmamateur5.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWANY100John SoloVID24.95, boxing, bondage, JO and shower by JOHNJohn came to workout at our warehouse and ended up letting us film his entire erotic gym and boxing workout naked! He also gets tied up to the squat rack and lets you watch as he showers. Very hot living room action as he jerks off for your pleasure!60johnsolo.jpgNjohnsolo.htmjohnsolo.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAZGWAYNY101Slick Mick's Body Slam ReviewVID24.95 pro wrestlingJoin promoter Slick Mick on his weekly show of pro wrestling.50slickmickst.jpgNslickmicks.htmslickmicks.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY102Washington Wrestling 1VID34.95 wrestling from Washington and Atlanta60 minutes of Washington and Atlanta wrestling featuring an assortment of guys from the past two years. 60washwrest1t.jpgNwashwrest1.htmwashwrest1.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNN103Atlanta Wrestling 1VID34.95, workout and showerStan and Brad bring you some of the hottest wrestling Vangar has ever filmed on this one hour video! In addition to rugged erotic wrestling you also get their nude workout and sexy shower scene by these two hairy bodybuilder wrestling studs!!!60atlantawrestling1.jpgNatlanta1.htmatlanta1.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAZNN104Atlanta Boxing 1VID24.95 of the BoxersWalt and Gary box at the Vangar warehouse in Atlanta! Tons of hair and sweat as Walt gives a great workout on camera. Fantastic digital quality and close ups so good you can almost taste the sweat! Battle of the Boxers also included to give you a full tape of a number of various boxers going at it full force!!!120atlantaboxing1.jpgNatlantaboxing1.htmatlantaboxing1.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY105Clash 2002 Open MatchesVID34.95 of the Titans SeriesVIDGWASGWAZNN106Clash 2002 Erotic MatchesVID24.95 Jersey Joe nakedClash 2002 Erotic video features ALL the rip-n-strip matches, naked matches and shower scenes from Clash wrestling event at the Vangar warehouse this year! Also included is an extra 45 minutes of naked boxing by Gary and Joe in Jersey!!!90clash2002erotic.jpgNclash2002_erotic.htmjerseybox.jpgNClash of the Titans SeriesVIDGWAZGWAYNY107Clash 2002 NHB MatchesVID34.95 muscle action & wrestlingClash 2002 NHB contains all the hard core action from Clash of the Titans 2002 event at the Vangar warehouse. Lots of sweat, action and nasty looking bruises on some opponents!60clash2002nhb.jpgNclash2002_nhb.htmclash2002_nhb.jpgNClash of the Titans SeriesVIDGWAZGWAYNN108DC Bondage 1VID34.95 bear bondage, massage, JO, showerBig Bear Jim gets tied up and beat down by our new beefy star at the DC warehouse. Very hot bondage scenes,domination and shower scenes by these two burly stud bears! Over an hour of great quality video with fantastic grunts and groans. If you like Jim this is a must for your collection.60dcbondage1.jpgNdcbondage1.htmdcbondage1.jpgNLeather - Bondage - UniformVIDGWAZGWAZNN109Brazil Wrestling 2VID24.95 pro wrestling from BrazilThis video is part 2 in the series of pro wrestling from Brazil. Similar to vintage pro wrestling in USA120brazilwrestling2.jpgNbrazil2.htmbrazil2.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY111Bulldog Wrestling 3VID44.95 stud submission wrestlingBout One: Deckyou2 Vs JJ Hart, Heel versus Face in this hard fought pro match. Bout Two: Mike Martin Vs Marcelo, two evenly-matched lightweight wrestlers challenge each other in this submissions contest. Bout Three: Jon Jensen Vs Dan Moody, tough heavyweight muscle guys compete in this pro match to see who's the strongest.90bulldog3.jpgNbbd3.htmbbd3.jpgYBulldog Wrestling UKVIDBBDNN115Boxing 3VID24.95 boxing tournamentBoxing 3 is a live recording of the Welterweight Boxing Championship in Virginia 2002. 8 great matches with 5 ending in TKO with dazed opponents! Over 1 hour of fantastic action.60boxing3.jpgNboxing3.htmboxing3.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAZNY116Torture 2VID24.95 rods, hammer, clamps, ropesTake a trip to the deep back woods of Maryland and watch erotic torture being performed in a wood shed including electric rods, hammer, clamps, ropes and the hottest form of ejaculation we ever witnessed by a suction pump! We then take our cameras to another location in Maryland and film an actual uniform photo shoot at a ranch where they put this husky muscle dad through the paces with chopping on a tree, climbing into a stream and walking through trails.. all naked! About 60 minutes of action!60torture2.jpgNtorture2.htmtorture2a.jpgNDick Nasty Straight SeriesVIDGWAZGWAYNY117Torture 3VID24.95 Nasty dominated by a dominatrixMr Dick Nasty took a trip to Maryland to cut some firewood on a friends ranch and ends up getting tied up by a bad ass dominatrix! The video starts with Dick agreeing to test out a new torture toy and get more than he expected as his shirt is in shreds and after some abuse gets ripped off totally. The dominatrix shows talent for more than just abuse as a hot after torture massage is provided and you get to watch all the action including a hot climax!!!60torture3.jpgNtorture3.htmtorture3.jpgNDick Nasty Straight SeriesVIDGWAZGWAZNY118DC Oil Wrestling 1VID24.95 oil wrestling, bondageRick (STAR in personals) takes on Gary (GaryC) in a naked oil wrestling match. Erotic wrestling with climax by both guys at the end of the hour long match. We let the camera keep rolling as Rick posed for the camera in some hot mat poses and simulated bondage scenes on the rail.60dcoilwrestling1.jpgNdcoil1.htmdcoil1.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAZGWAZNY119Feed 137VID24.95 amateur naked wrestlingFEED 137 features the best of streaming shows sent to us by members in 2000. Two full hours of great nude wrestling.120feeds137.jpgNfeed137.htmfeed137.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY120Feed 138VID24.95 erotic wrestlingVarious assortment of streams shown in July 2002 in VHS. Quality ranges from decent to great depending on segment and who or what company provided stream.120feeds138.jpgNfeed138.htmfeed138.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY124Feed 132VID34.95 wrestling, hot tub scenesFeed 132 contains 4 great segments streamed by us in 1999. David and Turtle are both buff wrestling studs who wrestle to a chest pounding climax, then a smooth Irish guy jerks off in the hot tub and is assisted by a gym stud and the second hour contains a couple beefy dad bears posing at a resort in Maryland and one even gets a twinky boys cock crammed down this throat! The final segment has an older stud tied up and whipped on a bed at the Maryland resort120feeds132.jpgNfeed132.htmfeed132.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN125Feed 133VID24.95 wrestlingFeed 133 contains the best submissions sent by members, wrestlers and productions in November 2001.120feeds133.jpgNfeed133.htmfeed133.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY126Feed 134VID24.95 wrestlingFeed 134 contains VHS matches streamed in channel 6 October 2001120feeds134.jpgNfeed134.htmfeed134.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY127Feed 135VID34.95 wrestlingBest stream shows sent by members, wrestlers and productions from September 2000.120feeds135.jpgNfeed135.htmfeed135.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN128Carolina Alex 1VID24.95 muscleCarolina Alex is two full hours of Alex video taped in DC October 2002. If you like beefy muscle dad types this tape will satisfy all your needs as Alex starts off with a close shaved beard on Saturday and jerks off in various uniforms and leather toys. Then Sunday he shaves and jerks off more in the shower but he saves the hot dripping climax for the photo studio where he strokes himself in a wrestling singlet, boxing gloves, construction uniform, leather costume and Army fatigues.120carolinaalex1.jpgNcarolinaalex1.htmcarolinaalex1_1.jpgNLeather - Bondage - UniformVIDGWAZGWAYNY130Virginia Party 1VID24.95 party, erotic massageThis is the first video shot at our Virginia Beach wrestling party and features two hours of the best oil wrestling, massage and erotic action from that days activities. Mail to to attend a party.120virginiaparty1.jpgNvaparty1.htmvaparty1.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAZGWAZNY131Fight ClubVID24.95 submission wrestlingFightClub is filmed in a New York basement by two amateur fiighters who wanted to settle once and for all who was the better man! 40 minutes of sweaty action.40fightclub.jpgNfightclub.htmfightclub.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWAYNY132Erotic FootballVID34.95 play, bondage, gutpunchingErotic Football stars our new Marine porn star. In this jam packed action video he is abducted in football gear and the scene begins with him tied up in a backwoods shed being gut punched and beaten! He turns from being pissed at his captor to learning he actually enjoys this treatment and is then released to please his captor with sweaty jerk off scenes and posing down to his Jock Strap and then finally nude for a fantastic verbal climax!60eroticfootball.jpgNeroticfootball.htmeroticfootball.jpgNGear FetishVIDGWAZGWAYNN133Randy MassageVID34.95, erotic massageThis two hour video features the unedited live recording of Randy's photo shoot including him in Football, Military, Boxing and Wrestling attire as well as nudity and the second hour has his massage session with Gary. The massage segment gets you right up on the bed with Gary and Randy and you get to see all the oily action right up to climax!120randymassage.jpgNrandymassage.htmrandymassage.jpgNGear FetishVIDGWAZGWAYNN134Bulldog Wrestling 5VID44.95 NHB wrestling from the UK90 minutes of intense wrestling action from Britain! 8 guys total in 4 seperate matches finishing up with the bodybuilding NHB type match!90bulldog5.jpgNbbd5.htmbbd4.jpgYBulldog Wrestling UKVIDBBDNN137Carolina Jim Erotic FootballVID34.95, bondageErotic Football 2 features two hours of big Carolina Jim and Atlanta Gary in football gear post game working each others dicks to a hot climax followed by a shower scene. Bonus massage footage of Gary and Jim are included to give you a full two hour video!120eroticfootball2.jpgNeroticfootball2.htmeroticfootball2.jpgYGear FetishVIDGWAZGWAYNN138Bulldog Wrestling 6VID44.95 NHB wrestling from the UKKick-ass submission bouts by fit UK guys.90bulldog6.jpgNbbd6.htmbbd6.jpgYBulldog Wrestling UKVIDBBDNN139Carolina Jim 1VID34.95 beef, bondageCowboy Jim let us video tape a hot night of action starting with him sitting in his rocking chair at his country house and slowly unbuttons his shirt while stroking his fat 7 inch cock! He then gets tied up by Gary and Tammy and both work him up into a sexual frenzy which ends up in the bedroom for some hot fucking and sucking!!! Great close ups of this real life cowboy! There is no wonder that this is the best all-time seller of any Vangar Video.120carolinajim1.jpgNcarolinajim1.htmcarolinajim1.jpgYLeather - Bondage - UniformVIDGWAZGWAYNN140Carolina Jim 2VID34.95 beef, naked posing, showerCarolina Jim is back this time letting you watch him grout and repair his shower tile nude!!! This video starts off with Jim working naked on his shower tile and while he is dirty and grubby he strokes his fat cock to a hot climax... then Jim lets you watch as he showers himself clean!60carolinajim2.jpgNcarolinajim2.htmcarolinajim2.jpgYReal AmateursVIDGWAZGWAZNN141Carolina Jim 3VID34.95 beef, bisexual actionCarolina Jim 3 features Big Jim, Gary and Candy. You get to watch Jim getting sweaty and dirty mowing then strips to shower with Candy. He then gets a massage by Gary and finishes with hot sex on the bed with Candy! 77 minutes of great Jim action!!!77carolinajim3.jpgNcarolinajim3.htmcarolinajim3.jpgYReal AmateursVIDGWAZGWAYNN214Miamilucha 334.95 Pro Wrestling by MiamiluchaMiamilucha wrestles a couple of his friends in this VERY HOT erotic pro wrestling style home video. Watch as his muscular buddy takes on Miamilucha in this one hour test of strength and skill to see who jacks off first at the end!60miamilucha3t.jpgNmiamilucha3.htmmiamilucha3.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDMIAZMIAYNN157Bulldog Wrestling 7VID44.95 tough UK submission matches.1. Canadian pro boy takes on Marcello in a tough bout where both give it their all. 2. Dave King takes on a fit, muscled, bulldog rookie sub-grappler in a long and sweaty bout. 3. Another new boy to the Bulldog stable, the Sheffield Grappler is a fit, muscled and agile pro-sub who really gives the bigger Hamed a good run for his money on this fine display of pro-sub mat grappling.85bbd.jpgNbbd7.htmbbd7.jpgYBulldog Wrestling UKVIDBBDNN158Bulldog Wrestling 8VID44.95 UK pro-submission matches.1. Bulldog's new young muscleboy takes on Steve in a tough sub/pro match. 2. Slugger, a boxer more used to upper cuts than Bostons, gives Dave a run for his money. 3. Hamed finds out his beefy body counts for nothing against the tough, fiery Zizz.110bbd.jpgNbbd8.htmbbd8.jpgYBulldog Wrestling UKVIDBBDNN161Florida Muscle Bear 1VID24.95, posing, soaping and jerking off250 pound Florida Muscle Bear lets you watch as he takes a shower, soaps up and jacks his cock. An hour of flexing, posing, soaping and jerking off. 60floridamusclet.jpgNflamusclebear1.htmfloridamuscle.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWAYNY159Muscle Rod 1VID24.95 stripperMuscular stripper Rodney strokes for you in this two hour special from Key West! He jerks off in bed, showers then jerks off again! If you like him watch for new videos coming each week of Rodney!!! 90rodclip1t.jpgNrod1.htmrodclip1.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAZGWAYNY160Carolina Jim 4VID34.95 beef, bisexual actionBi-sexual Jim is at it again in this amateur home video shot at his Carolina cabin. Watch as he and his swinger girlfriend play doctor! 90carolinajim4t.jpgNcarolinajim4.htmcarolinajim4.jpgYReal AmateursVIDGWAZGWAYNN163Amateur 6VID34.95 flexing, posing, showering, jack off and pubic shavingVirginia Gary and Pilot Scott take you into a military shower and let you watch as they strip, pose, and flex. Gary has a long jack off scene and Scott has a hot pubic shaving scene! Both get wet and pose in the shower. 90amateur6t.jpgNamateur6.htmamateur6.jpgNReal AmateursVIDGWASGWAZGWAYNN164Tennessee Wrestling 1VID24.95 amateur men pro wrestling2 hours of wrestling action from the tri-state areas of Tennessee!120amateur6cpt.jpgNtennwrestling1.htmamateur6cp.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWASGWAZGWAYNY168Carolina Jim 6VID34.95 beef, shirtless, fire station workoutJim and Gary workout at the fire station shirtless with lots of muscle flexing! Jim also power washes the house and gets all wet on video!901carjim5prt.jpgNcarolinajim6.htm1carjim5pr.jpgYNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWASGWAZGWAYNN169Tennessee Wrestling 2VID24.95 wrestling from Morristown, TNOne hour of wrestling from Morristown and Newport Tennessee. Tons of amateur guys including a cage barbed wire match! 62tnwrestle2t.jpgNtnwrestle2.htmtnwrestle2.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY170Carolina Jim 5VID34.95 dad working shirtless at construction siteCarolina Jim lets you watchas he works on a construction job shirtless.No nudity, but if you are a voyeur of real men working without a shirt you should enjoy this hour long tape very much! 60zzzjim5t.jpgNcarolinajim5.htmzzzjim5.jpgYSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWASGWAZGWAYNN171Tennessee Wrestling 3VID24.95 wrestling from Bristol, TennesseeTwo hours of wrestling featuring a variety of men from the mountains of Tennessee. Some of the matches get bloody so be forewarned. This is the first in the Tennessee series where we have ringside video access by APW so you get some great close ups of the action! 120tennessee3t.jpgNtennessee3.htmtennessee3.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY172Tennessee Wrestling 4VID24.95 fights and rival matches from the National Guard Armory inBloody fights and rival matches in Tennessee featuring the most bloody brutal rival match ever seen by this webmaster. 60tn4t.jpgNtn4.htmtn4.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY173Miamilucha 1VID34.95 wrestler fights a newcomer at his homeLean and muscular Miami Lucha takes on this dark and athletic muscled newcomer for a strip match. Multiple matches and lots of hot sexy and oily wrestling with jack off. 60miamilucha1t.jpgNmiamilucha1.htmmismialucha1m.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDMIAZMIAYNN177Carolina Jim 7VID34.95 dad construction blow job and 5 cum shots!Carolina Jim gets a blow job by Candy while working at construction site then back at the house you get to watch while he showers followed by more blow jobs by Candy and then three cum shots video taped over two days! Also included as a bonus is 1,087 images of buddies. 70carolinajim7t.jpgNcarolinajim7.htmcarolinajim7.jpgYReal AmateursVIDGWAZGWAYNN176Workout 3VID34.95, Posing, Jackoff on Video and Photos included!Included on this video is an Atlanta workout which ends in a hot Jack off scene and Bullrider Keith getting a boxing workout with some hot angles of this muscular dad! The video rolls for an hour on Keith as he flexes and poses for the camera during a photo shoot. All photos from that shoot are included on this two hour DVD as a bonus!120workout3t.jpgNworkout3.htmworkout3.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAZGWAYNN178Bullrider KeithVID34.95,000 high resolution images on cd of Keith and buddiesThis CD contains 2,836 high resolution images of Bullrider Keith shot over the past two years along with hundreds of photos from shoots with his buddies during that time. Thousands of never before seen images of Bullrider Keith and his buddies for viewing on your pc! WARNING, these copyrighted images may NOT be reproduced for any reason without prior authorization of 7000keithcdsalet.jpgNbullriderkeith.htmkeithcdsale.jpgNReal AmateursVIDNGWAN179Tennessee Wrestling 5VID24.95 matches from Bristol TN with 3 new guys and galleriesThis video features the regulars from Bristol TN plus 3 new big guys as well as 3200 images taken from the first three events as well as buddies!!! \n120tennessee5t.jpgNtennessee5.htmtennessee5.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY180Carolina Jim CDVID34.95,000 high resolution images on cd of Carolina Jim and friendsThis CD contains 3,545 high resolution images of Carolina Jim shot over the past two years along with hundreds of photos from shoots with his buddies during that time. Tons of never before seen images of Carolina Jim and his buddies for viewing on your pc! WARNING, these copyrighted images may NOT be reproduced for any reason without prior authorization of AmateursVIDNGWAN181Tennessee Wrestling 6VID24.95 hours including cage matches and blood!Tennessee Wrestling series are all now TWO HOURS long! This video contains one hour of cage matches and one hour of Thanksgiving battles. Lots of blood as usual. Available in DVD or VHS and as a bonus the DVD includes all large format photos taken of these events! 1201tnclipt.jpgNtennessee6.htm1tnclip.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY182Carolina Jim 8VID34.95 as beefy muscle dad works out jacks offCarolina Jim provides a great two hour video letting you watch him in an intense workout, and tons of jack off scenes! Available on VHS or DVD and the DVD has all the photos included which were shot during the making of this video! 120carolinajim8t.jpgNcarolinajim8.htmcarolinajim8.jpgYReal AmateursVIDGWAZGWAYNN183Bear Workout 1VID29.95 Beefy guys in Atlanta workout. Some dick and some Ass.Bear Workout is the best HAIRY MEN from our workout series 1 and 2 digitally re-mastered for purchase on DVD and now high quality VHS. This new re-edited video features 5 beefy men working out in Atlanta. Some dick and ass showing but mostly sweaty chest hair working out for 90 minutes! If you get off to watching sweaty bear guys with shirts off this is the tape for you!!!90bearworkoutt.jpgNbearworkout1.htmlbearworkout.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN184Stud Workout 1VID29.95 studs working outStud Workout is the best studs from our workout series 1 and 2 digitally re-mastered for purchase on DVD and now high quality VHS. This new re-edited video features 5 studs working out in Atlanta. Some dick and ass showing but mostly hard muscles working out for 103 minutes! If you get off to watching men with shirts off flexing this is the tape for you!!! 103studworkoutt.jpgNstudworkout1.htmstudworkout.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN188APW Wrestling 3VID24.95 wrestling pro styleThe first portion of this 90 minute video is amateur wrestling guys going pro style at a ring in Bristol Tennessee, the second half features beefy burly biker type dudes wrestling outside in a pro ring at a high school football field. A MUST SEE as it was VERY entertaining even for this webmaster who has seen every style and every video in the GlobalFights massive collection.90apm3mastert.jpgNapw3.htmapm3master.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY189APW Wrestling 2VID24.95 wrestling pro styleAPW 2 is a 90 minute video of backyard type wrestling from the Tri-Cities area of Tennessee. Lots of amateur guys but the wrestling is good. 90apw2mastert.jpgNapw2.htmapw2master.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY190APW Wrestling 1VID24.95 wrestling pro styleAPW 1 is a 90 minute amateur recording of guys wrestling in the Tri-Cities area of Tennessee. Tapes 1 and 2 are great if you like amateur action but make sure to get APW 3 as it is the absolute best out of three and features back yard wrestling styles by beefy burly biker type dudes outside in a pro ring at a high school football field. 90apw1mastert.jpgNapw2.htmapw1master.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAGWANY191Hot Irish Man 1VID34.95 Irish Keith getting naked and working outThis video featurins big Irish Keith of fame getting naked and working out for your pleasure at his home. Watch as he sweats working out nude on his ab machine, then weight lifting and pumping his muscles up and before hitting the shower you get some great angle shots of him jogging nude on the tread mill. He finishes with a great shower scene and then relaxes nude on his bed and you get every angle of him resting his big muscles before sleep. 109hotirishman1_thumb.jpgNhotirishman1.htmhotirishman1.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGROZGROYNN192Warehouse Eroto 12VID34.95, nude boxing, shower scenesOne of the most requested matches by our website users was for Gary and Keith to wrestle each other and this video provides the showdown between these two guys. Watch as Keith boxes nude and then hits the shower and our cameras follow him the whole way! Then Gary lets you watch as he showers! and as a bonus this two hour video includes two beefy bears jerking off ! 120warehouse12_thumb.jpgNwarehouse12.htmwarehouse12.jpgNErotic Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNN193Flex Wrestling AprilVID34.95, real wrestling actionThis video contains all the rough wrestling action filmed at Flex Club in Raleigh during their April wrestling event. Also included as a bonus is big Keith from putting together our boxing machine. This man can really sweat! The wrestling action is tough and real, the guys are going for the gold with mostly submission wrestling with a couple pro matches as well. The lighting and our commentator in this video are both outstanding! 101flex_april_thumb.jpgNflex_april.htmflex_april.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAZGWAYNN194Muscle Fan 1VID34.95 Flex naked workout featuring JarrodMuscle Fan 1 features Jarred from working out nude and jacking off. Over an hour of sweaty action by this tough Raleigh power house! His photos are available in the gallery at MuscleFan.net901musclefan1t.jpgNmusclefan1.htm1musclefan1.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDFANZFANYNN195Hot Irishman 3VID34.95 daddy nude working and showeringHot Irish Man 3 features Keith working in the yard, mowing with a webcam \nattached to the mower facing up and catching him dripping sweat and we even hooked the camera up to his weedeater for some cool upwards angle of Keith as he is working! He and buddy Gary get a hair cut and you get to watch close up while the hair comes off! Additional segments included from his home to give you over 90 minutes of Keith shirtless and nude! 90hotirishman3t.jpgNhotirishman3.htmhotirishman3.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGROZGROYNN196Maxx Stone 1VID34.95 stud workoutMaxx Stone works out nude and poses for the camera during photo shoots. Watch this hairy dad stud work for the camera and you in this private shoot for his webcam! Over 90 minutes. 90maxxstone1t.jpgNmaxxstone1.htmmaxxstone1.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDMAXZMAXYNN197Hot Irishman 2VID34.95 beef workout and posingHot Irish Man 2 features Keith in a 90 minute home video of himself working out, posing in cowboy gear, showering and other hot action around the house and in his garage. n90hotirishman2t.jpgNhotirishman2.htmhotirishman2.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGROZGROYNN198Hot Irishman 4VID34.95 boxing nude and working out with GaryHot Irish Man 4 features Keith and Gary working out, Keith boxing nude and then Keith posing in front of a green screen nude in a pirate outfit during a photo shoot. Additional assorte d Keith footage included to provide a full two hour video! \n120hotirishman4t.jpgNhotirishman4.htmhotirishman4.jpgNNaked BoxingVIDGROZGROYNN199Georgia WrestlingVID24.95 wrestling in the backwoods of GeorgiaGeorgia Wrestling is two hours of the best of our backwoods wrestling videos shot in Calhoun Georgia. 90gawrestlingt.jpgNgawrestling.htmgawrestling.jpgNPro Wrestling and BoxingVIDGWAZGWAYNY200Bondage FestVID34.95 West parade and bonus bondage sceneFantasy Fest is a 90 minute video shot in Key West with bonus material from Camp Bondage. Lots of street outfits, strippers dancing and the Sunday T Dance. Camp Bondage features a bound a whip session by master and slave and a workout is also included of Dave and his buddy.90bondagefestt.jpgNbondagefest.htmbondagefest.jpgYSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWANN201Erotic Naked Video 3VID34.95 wrestling, oil wrestling and erotic posingThis two hour video contains mud wrestling in Florida, oil wrestling in Atlanta at the Heretic Club and erotic posing at home by buddies.120eroticnaked3t.jpgNeroticnaked3.htmeroticnaked3.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN202Erotic Football 2VID34.95, bondageErotic Football 2 features two hours of big Carolina Jim and Atlanta Gary in football gear post game working each others dicks to a hot climax followed by a shower scene. Bonus massage footage of Gary and Jim are included to give you a full two hour video!120Neroticfootball2.htmeroticfootball2.jpgYGear FetishVIDGWAZGWAYNN203Amateur Men 1VID24.95 amateur men working out and showing offThis is a short video with a couple of our hottest models working out, flexing and wrestling.45amateurmen1t.jpgNamateurmen1amateurmen1.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY204Bar FightsVID24.95 bar and street fightsThe videography is amateur, but the action is real! Bar fights and street fights from all over the world.60barfightst.jpgNbarfights.htmbarfights.jpgNReal AmateursVIDGWAGWANY205Amateur 5�VID24.95 amateur actionMack Plenty brings you various erotic action from his home in PA. Mack gives the you the best solo amateur action while he poses and takes care of his needs in every way. Very rough Harley type with lots of verbal talking to the camera!120amateur5halft.jpgNamateur5halfamateur5half.jpgNSolo Flexing and Jack OffVIDGWAGWANY206Amateur 1VID34.95 fantasy, pro sub and great amateur actionFeaturing some of the most amateur looking matches sent to us by members. Two hours of everyday guys wrestling each other under the most amateur conditions and having fun at it!120amateur1t.jpgNamateur1.htmamateur1.jpgNReal AmateursVIDGWAGWANN207Feed 140VID34.95 wrestling and boxing, shower sceneThis is your chance to see Gary destroyed by a big wrestler. Scenes include motel wrestling and hunk wrestling on regulation mats. Two hunks wipe each other out and then show how they really feel in a steamy lockeroom scene!120feed140t.jpgNfeed140.htmfeed140.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANN215Miamilucha 434.95 Nude Wrestling by MiamiluchaMiamilucha wrestles a buddy nude in Florida. Starts out in white briefs then strips down to bare ass wrestling! VERY HOT erotic action from home. Miamilucha jacks off at end.60miamilucha4t.jpgNmiamilucha4.htmmiamilucha4.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDMIAZMIAYNN209GaryVID9.95, naked workout, amateur wrestling, posingGary is the man who started it all! Gladiators World Alliance, Vangar, Globalfight, Armgar Studios, Globalfight/Headlock, Oldtimewrestling, USAfur, GearPlay, and many others. See Gary workout, wrestle and pose. See Gary in bondage!87garyt.jpgNgary.htmgary.jpgNNaked Wrestling and FlexingVIDGWAGWANY210Vintage 2VID34.95 from the 1950'sVintage 2 is two hours of 1950's wrestling in the USA1201vint2thumb.jpgNvintage2.htm1vintage2.jpgNVintage WrestlingVIDGWAZGWAYNN211Vintage 3VID34.95 1950's WrestlingUSA wrestlers in Japan wrestling circa 19501201vint3thumb.jpgNvintage3.htm1vintage3.jpgNVintage WrestlingVIDGWAZGWAYNN212Vintage 4VID34.95's two hour wrestlingtwo hours of wrestling from the 1950's and 60's sent to us by OldTimeWrestling webmaster from members home collections. Digitally remastered for optimum quality. 120vintage4thumb.jpgNvintage4.htmvintage4.jpgNVintage WrestlingVIDGWAZGWAYNN